Windows 10 BSOD Crash with DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE (9f)

  • Thread starter Thread starter mhi59
  • Start date Start date



My computer is a LENOVO IDEAPAD L340 Gaming

I have severals BSOD happening in any situations. Sometimes i'am just on Chrome, sometimes on Visual Studio...

The error displayed was "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE (9f)"

Below, i have pasted the content of the analyze of the Minidump file.

I have already update my Bios on the latest version and all the drivers especially Nvidia drivers from the lenevo site according to my computer.

Thanks for your help

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.15063.468 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP]
Kernel Bitmap Dump File: Kernel address space is available, User address space may not be available.

************* Symbol Path validation summary **************
Response Time (ms) Location
Deferred srv*c:\SymbolsSrvCache*Symbol information
Symbol search path is: srv*c:\SymbolsSrvCache*Symbol information
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff804`84400000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff804`84848150
Debug session time: Wed Apr 1 17:47:00.361 2020 (UTC + 2:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:05:32.327
Loading Kernel Symbols
......Page 2001122c1 too large to be in the dump file.
Loading User Symbols

Loading unloaded module list
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 9F, {3, ffffb98de63e8060, ffffde87d462f7b0, ffffb98dec3fe010}

Page 2001122d4 too large to be in the dump file.
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvlddmkm.sys
Implicit thread is now ffffb98d`e32ea040
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
Probably caused by : memory_corruption

Followup: memory_corruption

1: kd> !analyze -v
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

A driver has failed to complete a power IRP within a specific time.
Arg1: 0000000000000003, A device object has been blocking an Irp for too long a time
Arg2: ffffb98de63e8060, Physical Device Object of the stack
Arg3: ffffde87d462f7b0, nt!TRIAGE_9F_POWER on Win7 and higher, otherwise the Functional Device Object of the stack
Arg4: ffffb98dec3fe010, The blocked IRP

Debugging Details:

Implicit thread is now ffffb98d`e32ea040
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details



BUILD_VERSION_STRING: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202



SYSTEM_SKU: LENOVO_MT_81LK_BU_idea_FM_IdeaPad L340-15IRH Gaming

SYSTEM_VERSION: IdeaPad L340-15IRH Gaming



BIOS_DATE: 02/10/2020






BUGCHECK_P2: ffffb98de63e8060

BUGCHECK_P3: ffffde87d462f7b0

BUGCHECK_P4: ffffb98dec3fe010




CPU_MHZ: 960

CPU_VENDOR: GenuineIntel




CPU_MICROCODE: 6,9e,a,0 (F,M,S,R) SIG: C6'00000000 (cache) C6'00000000 (init)






ANALYSIS_SESSION_TIME: 04-01-2020 17:48:40.0156

ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.15063.468 amd64fre

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff8049e3ddb8e to fffff8049e1412c1

ffffde87`d461ed88 fffff804`9e3ddb8e : ffffb98d`e6296010 ffffde87`d461ee30 00000000`00000000 ffffb98d`edc60000 : nvlddmkm+0x1112c1
ffffde87`d461ed90 fffff804`9e15ac2a : ffffb98d`edc36000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00100cd0 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0x3adb8e
ffffde87`d461edc0 fffff804`9e15ab00 : ffffb98d`ffffffff ffffb98d`edc36000 00000000`00000000 ffffb98d`edc60000 : nvlddmkm+0x12ac2a
ffffde87`d461ee30 fffff804`9e15ad2c : ffffb98d`edc36000 ffffb98d`edb52c90 ffffde87`d461ef40 ffffb98d`edc36000 : nvlddmkm+0x12ab00
ffffde87`d461ee70 fffff804`9e37d9cc : ffffb98d`edc40000 ffffb98d`edb52c90 0000000f`fff00000 ffffde87`d461ef50 : nvlddmkm+0x12ad2c
ffffde87`d461eeb0 fffff804`9e37daa0 : ffffb98d`edc40000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffb98d`edc36000 : nvlddmkm+0x34d9cc
ffffde87`d461eef0 fffff804`9e2b7c49 : ffffb98d`edc36000 ffffb98d`edc40001 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 : nvlddmkm+0x34daa0
ffffde87`d461ef20 fffff804`9e2b702a : 00000000`00000005 fffff804`9e15d844 ffffb98d`edc40000 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0x287c49
ffffde87`d461ef80 fffff804`9e56d6ed : ffffb98d`edc40000 ffffb98d`edc60000 ffffb98d`edc40000 00000000`00000005 : nvlddmkm+0x28702a
ffffde87`d461f010 fffff804`9e15be46 : ffffb98d`edc36000 ffffde87`d461f0e9 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0x53d6ed
ffffde87`d461f060 fffff804`9e3da981 : ffffb98d`edc36000 00000000`00000005 00000000`00000000 00000000`07efdd00 : nvlddmkm+0x12be46
ffffde87`d461f150 fffff804`9e3daaa1 : 00000001`00000001 ffffde87`00000003 ffffb98d`edc36000 ffffb98d`edc60000 : nvlddmkm+0x3aa981
ffffde87`d461f200 fffff804`9e1386cf : ffffb98d`edc47000 00000000`00000001 ffffb98d`edc47000 00000000`00000001 : nvlddmkm+0x3aaaa1
ffffde87`d461f230 fffff804`9e10123c : ffffb98d`ebece000 00000000`7ebba7e4 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000001 : nvlddmkm+0x1086cf
ffffde87`d461f370 fffff804`9e0ebaac : 00000000`0000000e ffffb98d`ebecf384 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0xd123c
ffffde87`d461f450 fffff804`9e0eb688 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0xbbaac
ffffde87`d461f520 fffff804`9eb46c7c : ffffb98d`ebece000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 00000000`ffffffff : nvlddmkm+0xbb688
ffffde87`d461f580 fffff804`9b6526b6 : fffff804`9eb46bbd 00000000`00000001 ffffb98d`ebece000 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0xb16c7c
ffffde87`d461f630 fffff804`9b651e67 : 00000000`00000020 ffffde87`d461f6f1 00000000`00000000 fffff804`00000000 : dxgkrnl!DpiDxgkDdiSetPowerState+0x5a
ffffde87`d461f690 fffff804`9b652b21 : ffffb98d`ec3fe010 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000001 : dxgkrnl!DpiFdoSetAdapterPowerState+0x163
ffffde87`d461f750 fffff804`9b6521f0 : ffffde87`d461f700 00000000`00000008 ffffb98d`ec3fe200 ffffb98d`ec3fe010 : dxgkrnl!DpiFdoHandleDevicePower+0x2e1
ffffde87`d461f7f0 fffff804`9b6532c1 : ffffb98d`ec3fe010 ffffb98d`e6fb0180 ffffb98d`e6fb0030 fffff804`9e13419a : dxgkrnl!DpiFdoDispatchPower+0x20
ffffde87`d461f820 fffff804`9e109a23 : 00000000`00000001 ffffb98d`edee1000 00000000`00000001 ffffb98d`ec3fe010 : dxgkrnl!DpiDispatchPower+0xe1
ffffde87`d461f940 fffff804`9e108ab6 : ffffb98d`e6fb0030 00000000`00000000 ffffb98d`e642ad00 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0xd9a23
ffffde87`d461fa30 fffff804`8457a02f : ffffb98d`e6fb0030 ffffde87`d461fae0 00000000`00000000 ffffb98d`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0xd8ab6
ffffde87`d461fa60 fffff804`8446bce5 : 00000000`00000000 ffffb98d`e32ea040 fffff804`84579e50 00000001`400e7878 : nt!PopIrpWorker+0x1df
ffffde87`d461fb10 fffff804`845c99ca : ffff9301`a61d8180 ffffb98d`e32ea040 fffff804`8446bc90 00000000`00534d6e : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
ffffde87`d461fb60 00000000`00000000 : ffffde87`d4620000 ffffde87`d4619000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x2a

STACK_COMMAND: .thread 0xffffb98de32ea040 ; kb

CHKIMG_EXTENSION: !chkimg -lo 50 -d !nt
fffff804844161ca-fffff804844161cb 2 bytes - nt!KiIpiSendRequest+3ca
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804844161d1-fffff804844161d4 4 bytes - nt!KiIpiSendRequest+3d1 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 9a 2f aa ]
fffff8048441f108-fffff8048441f109 2 bytes - nt!KeQueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise+68 (+0x8f37)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048441f10f-fffff8048441f112 4 bytes - nt!KeQueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise+6f (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 ac 96 a9 ]
fffff8048442c180-fffff8048442c181 2 bytes - nt!PopGetIdleTimesCallback+80 (+0xd071)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048442c187-fffff8048442c18a 4 bytes - nt!PopGetIdleTimesCallback+87 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 34 c6 a8 ]
fffff8048442ced9-fffff8048442ceda 2 bytes - nt!KiIntRedirectQueueRequestOnProcessor+65 (+0xd52)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048442cee0-fffff8048442cee3 4 bytes - nt!KiIntRedirectQueueRequestOnProcessor+6c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 4b be a8 ]
fffff80484443df2-fffff80484443df3 2 bytes - nt!KeQueryInterruptTimePrecise+52 (+0x16f12)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484443df9-fffff80484443dfc 4 bytes - nt!KeQueryInterruptTimePrecise+59 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 c2 49 a7 ]
fffff804844461a6-fffff804844461a7 2 bytes - nt!EtwpGetSystemTime+66 (+0x23ad)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804844461ad-fffff804844461b0 4 bytes - nt!EtwpGetSystemTime+6d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 0e 26 a7 ]
fffff8048444845b-fffff8048444845c 2 bytes - nt!PpmPerfApplyDomainState+57b (+0x22ae)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484448462-fffff80484448465 4 bytes - nt!PpmPerfApplyDomainState+582 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 59 03 a7 ]
fffff80484448964-fffff80484448965 2 bytes - nt!KiSendClockInterruptToClockOwner+5c (+0x502)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048444896b-fffff8048444896e 4 bytes - nt!KiSendClockInterruptToClockOwner+63 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 40 0d a7 ]
fffff804844490a1-fffff804844490a2 2 bytes - nt!KiSetClockTickRate+fd (+0x736)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804844490a8-fffff804844490ab 4 bytes - nt!KiSetClockTickRate+104 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 13 f7 a6 ]
fffff8048444cc63-fffff8048444cc64 2 bytes - nt!KeInsertSchedulingGroup+53 (+0x3bbb)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048444cc6a-fffff8048444cc6d 4 bytes - nt!KeInsertSchedulingGroup+5a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 51 bb a6 ]
fffff8048444d30e-fffff8048444d30f 2 bytes - nt!KiUpdateCpuTargetByWeight+15a (+0x6a4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048444d315-fffff8048444d318 4 bytes - nt!KiUpdateCpuTargetByWeight+161 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 a6 b4 a6 ]
fffff8048444d6be-fffff8048444d6bf 2 bytes - nt!KiUpdateCpuTargetByRate+17a (+0x3a9)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048444d6c5-fffff8048444d6c8 4 bytes - nt!KiUpdateCpuTargetByRate+181 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 f6 b0 a6 ]
fffff80484452467-fffff80484452468 2 bytes - nt!StEtaStart+2f (+0x4da2)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048445246e-fffff80484452471 4 bytes - nt!StEtaStart+36 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 4d 63 a6 ]
fffff804844533b2-fffff804844533b3 2 bytes - nt!ST_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::StDmInitialize+272 (+0xf44)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804844533b9-fffff804844533bc 4 bytes - nt!ST_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::StDmInitialize+279 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 02 54 a6 ]
fffff804844535b0-fffff804844535b1 2 bytes - nt!StLcInitialize+28 (+0x1f7)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804844535b7-fffff804844535ba 4 bytes - nt!StLcInitialize+2f (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 04 52 a6 ]
fffff80484458d7b-fffff80484458d7c 2 bytes - nt!KiUpdateTimeAssist+3b (+0x57c4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484458d82-fffff80484458d85 4 bytes - nt!KiUpdateTimeAssist+42 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 39 fa a5 ]
fffff8048445a346-fffff8048445a347 2 bytes - nt!EtwpGetPerfCounter+6 (+0x15c4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048445a34d-fffff8048445a350 4 bytes - nt!EtwpGetPerfCounter+d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 6e e4 a5 ]
fffff80484471281-fffff80484471282 2 bytes - nt!RtlGetMultiTimePrecise+101 (+0x16f34)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484471288-fffff8048447128b 4 bytes - nt!RtlGetMultiTimePrecise+108 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 33 75 a4 ]
fffff80484476be1-fffff80484476be2 2 bytes - nt!CmpLoadKeyCommon+279 (+0x5959)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484476be8-fffff80484476bec 5 bytes - nt!CmpLoadKeyCommon+280 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 53 d5 d1 fc ]
fffff8048447fe4b-fffff8048447fe4c 2 bytes - nt!KiSendSoftwareInterrupt+13 (+0x9263)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048447fe52-fffff8048447fe55 4 bytes - nt!KiSendSoftwareInterrupt+1a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 49 8c a3 ]
fffff804844808d9-fffff804844808da 2 bytes - nt!KiCheckForKernelApcDelivery+59 (+0xa87)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804844808e0-fffff804844808e3 4 bytes - nt!KiCheckForKernelApcDelivery+60 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 8b 97 a3 ]
fffff8048448090a-fffff8048448090b 2 bytes - nt!KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt+1a (+0x2a)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484480911-fffff80484480914 4 bytes - nt!KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt+21 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 5a 97 a3 ]
fffff8048449e282-fffff8048449e283 2 bytes - nt!PpmIdleSnapConcurrency+22 (+0x1d971)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048449e289-fffff8048449e28c 4 bytes - nt!PpmIdleSnapConcurrency+29 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 32 a5 a1 ]
fffff8048449eccb-fffff8048449eccc 2 bytes - nt!PpmParkSteerInterrupts+5bb (+0xa42)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048449ecd2-fffff8048449ecd5 4 bytes - nt!PpmParkSteerInterrupts+5c2 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 89 28 a2 ]
fffff804844b8305-fffff804844b8306 2 bytes - nt!KiForwardTick+3a5 (+0x19633)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804844b830c-fffff804844b830f 4 bytes - nt!KiForwardTick+3ac (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 9f 13 a0 ]
WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
fffff80484970798-fffff8048497079a 3 bytes - nt!_guard_check_icall_fptr
[ f0 5f 57:40 ae 5c ]
fffff804849707a0-fffff804849707a2 3 bytes - nt!_guard_dispatch_icall_fptr (+0x08)
[ 30 e6 5b:90 ae 5c ]
fffff804849988f9-fffff804849988fa 2 bytes - nt!PopHiberCheckForDebugBreak+31
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484998900-fffff80484998903 4 bytes - nt!PopHiberCheckForDebugBreak+38 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 bb fe 51 ]
fffff80484999122-fffff80484999123 2 bytes - nt!PopSaveHiberContext+122 (+0x822)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484999129-fffff8048499912d 5 bytes - nt!PopSaveHiberContext+129 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 32 7e 88 fc ]
fffff8048499973b-fffff8048499973c 2 bytes - nt!PoBroadcastSystemState+327 (+0x612)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484999742-fffff80484999745 4 bytes - nt!PoBroadcastSystemState+32e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 79 f0 51 ]
fffff804849997d6-fffff804849997d7 2 bytes - nt!PoBroadcastSystemState+3c2 (+0x94)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849997dd-fffff804849997e0 4 bytes - nt!PoBroadcastSystemState+3c9 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 de ef 51 ]
fffff80484999846-fffff80484999847 2 bytes - nt!PoBroadcastSystemState+432 (+0x69)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499984d-fffff80484999850 4 bytes - nt!PoBroadcastSystemState+439 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 6e ef 51 ]
fffff80484999d5d-fffff80484999d5e 2 bytes - nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler+1f9 (+0x510)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484999d64-fffff80484999d67 4 bytes - nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler+200 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 57 ea 51 ]
fffff8048499a047-fffff8048499a048 2 bytes - nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler+4e3 (+0x2e3)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499a04e-fffff8048499a051 4 bytes - nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler+4ea (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 6d e7 51 ]
fffff8048499b112-fffff8048499b113 2 bytes - nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+ba6 (+0x10c4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499b119-fffff8048499b11c 4 bytes - nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+bad (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 a2 d6 51 ]
fffff8048499b35e-fffff8048499b35f 2 bytes - nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+df2 (+0x245)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499b365-fffff8048499b368 4 bytes - nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+df9 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 56 d4 51 ]
fffff8048499b3e2-fffff8048499b3e3 2 bytes - nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+e76 (+0x7d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499b3e9-fffff8048499b3ec 4 bytes - nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+e7d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 d2 d3 51 ]
fffff8048499b8fa-fffff8048499b8fb 2 bytes - nt!PopDecompressHiberBlocks+112 (+0x511)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499b901-fffff8048499b904 4 bytes - nt!PopDecompressHiberBlocks+119 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 ba ce 51 ]
fffff8048499be61-fffff8048499be62 2 bytes - nt!KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment+a1 (+0x560)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499be68-fffff8048499be6b 4 bytes - nt!KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment+a8 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 03 0d 52 ]
fffff8048499bee8-fffff8048499bee9 2 bytes - nt!KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment+128 (+0x80)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499beef-fffff8048499bef2 4 bytes - nt!KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment+12f (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 cc c8 51 ]
fffff8048499c0e5-fffff8048499c0e6 2 bytes - nt!ExUpdateSystemTimeFromCmos+4d (+0x1f6)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499c0ec-fffff8048499c0ef 4 bytes - nt!ExUpdateSystemTimeFromCmos+54 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 7f 75 52 ]
fffff8048499d080-fffff8048499d081 2 bytes - nt!PopGetHwConfigurationSignature+d8 (+0xf94)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499d087-fffff8048499d08a 4 bytes - nt!PopGetHwConfigurationSignature+df (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 84 27 52 ]
fffff8048499eb69-fffff8048499eb6a 2 bytes - nt!PopHiberCheckResume+109 (+0x1ae2)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8048499eb70-fffff8048499eb73 4 bytes - nt!PopHiberCheckResume+110 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 cb e9 51 ]
fffff804849a2059-fffff804849a205a 2 bytes - nt!KiInitializeBootStructures+259 (+0x34e9)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849a2060-fffff804849a2063 4 bytes - nt!KiInitializeBootStructures+260 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 0b b6 52 ]
fffff804849a20f1-fffff804849a20f2 2 bytes - nt!KiInitializeBootStructures+2f1 (+0x91)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849a20f8-fffff804849a20fb 4 bytes - nt!KiInitializeBootStructures+2f8 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 03 ab 52 ]
fffff804849a2b0e-fffff804849a2b0f 2 bytes - nt!KiSetFeatureBits+30a (+0xa16)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849a2b15-fffff804849a2b18 4 bytes - nt!KiSetFeatureBits+311 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 96 cd 52 ]
fffff804849a35ba-fffff804849a35bb 2 bytes - nt!KiInitializeKernel+52a (+0xaa5)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849a35c1-fffff804849a35c4 4 bytes - nt!KiInitializeKernel+531 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 4a ba 59 ]
fffff804849a6836-fffff804849a6837 2 bytes - nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler+ccd2 (+0x3275)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849a683d-fffff804849a6840 4 bytes - nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler+ccd9 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 ae 31 54 ]
fffff804849a6fdd-fffff804849a6fde 2 bytes - nt!KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment+b21d (+0x7a0)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849a6fe4-fffff804849a6fe7 4 bytes - nt!KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment+b224 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 d7 17 51 ]
fffff804849a70ed-fffff804849a70ee 2 bytes - nt!ExpSetSystemTime+abc9 (+0x109)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849a70f4-fffff804849a70f7 4 bytes - nt!ExpSetSystemTime+abd0 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 77 cb 51 ]
fffff804849ab624-fffff804849ab625 2 bytes - nt!PnprGetMillisecondCounter+18 (+0x4530)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849ab62b-fffff804849ab62e 4 bytes - nt!PnprGetMillisecondCounter+1f (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 90 d1 50 ]
fffff804849ac313-fffff804849ac314 2 bytes - nt!PnprQuiesceProcessorDpc+163 (+0xce8)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849ac31a-fffff804849ac31d 4 bytes - nt!PnprQuiesceProcessorDpc+16a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 91 2e 51 ]
WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.
fffff804849b7ea0-fffff804849b7ea1 2 bytes - nt!EtwpAddLogHeader+198
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849b7ea7-fffff804849b7eaa 4 bytes - nt!EtwpAddLogHeader+19f (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 14 09 50 ]
fffff804849d820f-fffff804849d8210 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+cf (+0x20368)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8216-fffff804849d821a 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+d6 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 15 7d 7b fc ]
fffff804849d8345-fffff804849d8346 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+205 (+0x12f)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d834c-fffff804849d8350 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+20c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 0f 75 7b fc ]
fffff804849d8375-fffff804849d8376 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+235 (+0x29)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d837c-fffff804849d8380 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+23c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ff 76 7b fc ]
fffff804849d83ec-fffff804849d83ed 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2ac (+0x70)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d83f3-fffff804849d83f7 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2b3 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 98 71 7b fc ]
fffff804849d841a-fffff804849d841b 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2da (+0x27)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8421-fffff804849d8425 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2e1 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 1a 78 7b fc ]
fffff804849d858e-fffff804849d858f 2 bytes - nt!CmLogTmRmAction+9a (+0x16d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8595-fffff804849d8599 5 bytes - nt!CmLogTmRmAction+a1 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 b6 de 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8791-fffff804849d8792 2 bytes - nt!CmpAccountForLogReservation+71 (+0x1fc)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8798-fffff804849d879c 5 bytes - nt!CmpAccountForLogReservation+78 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 73 59 80 fc ]
fffff804849d882e-fffff804849d882f 2 bytes - nt!CmTmCreateEnlistment+62 (+0x96)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8835-fffff804849d8839 5 bytes - nt!CmTmCreateEnlistment+69 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 76 e6 7b fc ]
fffff804849d89d0-fffff804849d89d1 2 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+bc (+0x19b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d89d7-fffff804849d89db 5 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+c3 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 84 10 7e fc ]
fffff804849d89ed-fffff804849d89ee 2 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+d9 (+0x16)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d89f4-fffff804849d89f8 5 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+e0 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 97 7d 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8a3e-fffff804849d8a3f 2 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+12a (+0x4a)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8a45-fffff804849d8a49 5 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+131 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 46 7d 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8a97-fffff804849d8a98 2 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+183 (+0x52)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8a9e-fffff804849d8aa2 5 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+18a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 7d 02 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8ade-fffff804849d8adf 2 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+1ca (+0x40)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8ae5-fffff804849d8ae9 5 bytes - nt!CmpLogCheckpoint+1d1 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 a6 7c 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8cb6-fffff804849d8cb7 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+192 (+0x1d1)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8cbd-fffff804849d8cc1 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+199 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ce 7a 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8cde-fffff804849d8cdf 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+1ba (+0x21)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8ce5-fffff804849d8ce9 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+1c1 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 a6 7a 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8d14-fffff804849d8d15 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+1f0 (+0x2f)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8d1b-fffff804849d8d1f 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+1f7 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 20 ce 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8d48-fffff804849d8d49 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+224 (+0x2d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8d4f-fffff804849d8d53 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+22b (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ec ca 7d fc ]
fffff804849d8d84-fffff804849d8d85 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+260 (+0x35)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8d8b-fffff804849d8d8f 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+267 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 90 ff 7f fc ]
fffff804849d8eaa-fffff804849d8eab 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+386 (+0x11f)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8eb1-fffff804849d8eb5 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+38d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 8a c9 7d fc ]
fffff804849d8f18-fffff804849d8f19 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+3f4 (+0x67)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8f1f-fffff804849d8f23 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+3fb (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 8c bb 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8f5c-fffff804849d8f5d 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+438 (+0x3d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8f63-fffff804849d8f67 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+43f (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 28 bd 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8f8a-fffff804849d8f8b 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+466 (+0x27)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8f91-fffff804849d8f95 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+46d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 7a 1b 80 fc ]
fffff804849d8f9b-fffff804849d8f9c 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+477 (+0x0a)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d8fa2-fffff804849d8fa6 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartRMLog+47e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 69 1b 80 fc ]
fffff804849d9106-fffff804849d9107 2 bytes - nt!CmpStartCLFSLog+14e (+0x164)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff804849d910d-fffff804849d9111 5 bytes - nt!CmpStartCLFSLog+155 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 de 69 80 fc ]
WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
fffff80484d555ec-fffff80484d555ed 2 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+49c
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d555f3-fffff80484d555f7 5 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+4a3 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 28 aa 35 fc ]
fffff80484d55807-fffff80484d55808 2 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+6b7 (+0x214)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d5580e-fffff80484d55811 4 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+6be (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 ad 2f 16 ]
fffff80484d5603b-fffff80484d5603c 2 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+bb (+0x82d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56042-fffff80484d56046 5 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+c2 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 29 a0 35 fc ]
fffff80484d5608b-fffff80484d5608c 2 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+10b (+0x49)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56092-fffff80484d56096 5 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+112 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 c9 9f 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56346-fffff80484d56347 2 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+152 (+0x2b4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d5634d-fffff80484d56351 5 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+159 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 0e 9d 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56388-fffff80484d56389 2 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+194 (+0x3b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d5638f-fffff80484d56393 5 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+19b (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 dc 9c 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56501-fffff80484d56502 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+e5 (+0x172)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56508-fffff80484d5650c 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+ec (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 53 9b 35 fc ]
fffff80484d5653f-fffff80484d56540 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+123 (+0x37)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56546-fffff80484d5654a 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+12a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 25 9b 35 fc ]
fffff80484d569c3-fffff80484d569c4 2 bytes - nt!KdSendTraceData+107 (+0x47d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d569ca-fffff80484d569ce 5 bytes - nt!KdSendTraceData+10e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 91 96 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56b22-fffff80484d56b23 2 bytes - nt!KdpFillMemory+102 (+0x158)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56b29-fffff80484d56b2d 5 bytes - nt!KdpFillMemory+109 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 32 95 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56bee-fffff80484d56bef 2 bytes - nt!KdpGetBusData+a2 (+0xc5)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56bf5-fffff80484d56bf9 5 bytes - nt!KdpGetBusData+a9 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 66 94 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56d82-fffff80484d56d83 2 bytes - nt!KdpQueryMemory+7e (+0x18d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56d89-fffff80484d56d8d 5 bytes - nt!KdpQueryMemory+85 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 d2 92 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56e37-fffff80484d56e38 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadControlSpace+97 (+0xae)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56e3e-fffff80484d56e42 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadControlSpace+9e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 1d 92 35 fc ]
fffff80484d56f81-fffff80484d56f82 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadPhysicalMemory+125 (+0x143)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d56f88-fffff80484d56f8c 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadPhysicalMemory+12c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 d3 90 35 fc ]
fffff80484d5710d-fffff80484d5710e 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadVirtualMemory+a1 (+0x185)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d57114-fffff80484d57118 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadVirtualMemory+a8 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 47 8f 35 fc ]
fffff80484d575d3-fffff80484d575d4 2 bytes - nt!KdpRestoreBreakPointEx+d3 (+0x4bf)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d575da-fffff80484d575de 5 bytes - nt!KdpRestoreBreakPointEx+da (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 81 8a 35 fc ]
fffff80484d577e1-fffff80484d577e2 2 bytes - nt!KdpSearchMemory+1d9 (+0x207)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d577e8-fffff80484d577ec 5 bytes - nt!KdpSearchMemory+1e0 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 73 88 35 fc ]
fffff80484d57b7c-fffff80484d57b7d 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+a0 (+0x394)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d57b83-fffff80484d57b87 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+a7 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 d8 84 35 fc ]
fffff80484d57ba6-fffff80484d57ba7 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+ca (+0x23)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d57bad-fffff80484d57bb0 4 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+d1 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 0e 0c 16 ]
fffff80484d57bc8-fffff80484d57bc9 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+ec (+0x1b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d57bcf-fffff80484d57bd3 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+f3 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 9c 84 35 fc ]
fffff80484d58171-fffff80484d58172 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+695 (+0x5a2)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d58178-fffff80484d5817b 4 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+69c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 73 18 19 ]
fffff80484d582a0-fffff80484d582a1 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+7c4 (+0x128)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d582a7-fffff80484d582ab 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+7cb (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 b4 7d 35 fc ]
fffff80484d582bf-fffff80484d582c0 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+7e3 (+0x18)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d582c6-fffff80484d582ca 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+7ea (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 95 7d 35 fc ]
fffff80484d584e1-fffff80484d584e2 2 bytes - nt!KdpSetContext+a9 (+0x21b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d584e8-fffff80484d584ec 5 bytes - nt!KdpSetContext+b0 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 73 7b 35 fc ]
fffff80484d5858c-fffff80484d5858d 2 bytes - nt!KdpSysReadBusData+40 (+0xa4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d58593-fffff80484d58596 4 bytes - nt!KdpSysReadBusData+47 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 d8 5b 16 ]
WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.
fffff80484d8ddbf-fffff80484d8ddc0 2 bytes - nt!HdlspBugCheckProcessing+97
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d8ddc6-fffff80484d8ddc9 4 bytes - nt!HdlspBugCheckProcessing+9e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 35 a8 12 ]
fffff80484d8ddd4-fffff80484d8ddd5 2 bytes - nt!HdlspBugCheckProcessing+ac (+0x0e)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80484d8dddb-fffff80484d8ddde 4 bytes - nt!HdlspBugCheckProcessing+b3 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 10 bc 15 ]
3625 errors : !nt (fffff804844161ca-fffff80484d8ddde)

MODULE_NAME: memory_corruption

IMAGE_NAME: memory_corruption

FOLLOWUP_NAME: memory_corruption






TARGET_TIME: 2020-04-01T15:47:00.000Z

OSBUILD: 18362







OSNAME: Windows 10

OSEDITION: Windows 10 WinNt TerminalServer SingleUserTS





BUILDLAB_STR: 19h1_release

BUILDOSVER_STR: 10.0.18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202



FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:memory_corruption_large

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {e29154ac-69a4-0eb8-172a-a860f73c0a3c}

Followup: memory_corruption

1: kd> !irp ffffb98dec3fe010
Irp is active with 6 stacks 5 is current (= 0xffffb98dec3fe200)
No Mdl: No System Buffer: Thread 00000000: Irp stack trace. Pending has been returned
cmd flg cl Device File Completion-Context
[N/A(0), N/A(0)]
0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000

Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[N/A(0), N/A(0)]
0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000

Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[N/A(0), N/A(0)]
0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000

Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0 0 ffffb98de63e8060 00000000 fffff8049b51e070-ffffde87d461f790
\Driver\pci dxgkrnl!DpiFdoPowerCompletionRoutine
Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0 e1 ffffb98de6fb0030 00000000 fffff80484571110-ffffb98def3546a8 Success Error Cancel pending
\Driver\nvlddmkm nt!PopRequestCompletion
Args: 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000
[N/A(0), N/A(0)]
0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000-ffffb98def3546a8

Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1: kd> !devstack ffffb98de63e8060
!DevObj !DrvObj !DevExt ObjectName
ffffb98de6fb0030 \Driver\nvlddmkm ffffb98de6fb0180
ffffb98de642ad00 \Driver\ACPI ffffb98de626f010
> ffffb98de63e8060 \Driver\pci ffffb98de63e81b0 NTPNP_PCI0020
!DevNode ffffb98de63e89a0 :
DeviceInst is "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C91&SUBSYS_3A2D17AA&REV_A1\4&3c79d39&0&0008"
ServiceName is "nvlddmkm"
1: kd> !drvobj \Driver\nvlddmkm
Driver object (ffffb98de6efae50) is for:
Driver Extension List: (id , addr)
(ffffb98de6efae50 ffffb98de6f0da30)
Device Object list:
ffffb98de6a5e910 ffffb98dedb4bde0 ffffb98de6fb0030 ffffb98de6d11300

1: kd> ffffb98de63e8060ffffb98de63e8060ffffb98de63e80600 000
^ Range error in 'ffffb98de63e8060ffffb98de63e8060ffffb98de63e80600 000'
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd> ....
^ Syntax error in '....'
1: kd>
1: kd> ffffb98de63e8060ffffb98de63e8060ffffb98de63e80600 000!03
Couldn't resolve error at '000!03'
1: kd> 3.11121
^ Syntax error in '3.11121'
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd>
1: kd> --++++0!+
^ Syntax error in '--++++0!+'
1: kd> !poaction
PopAction: fffff80484845000
State..........: 0 - Idle
Updates........: 0
Action.........: None
Lightest State.: Unspecified
Flags..........: 10000003 QueryApps|UIAllowed
Irp minor......: ??
System State...: Unspecified
Hiber Context..: 0000000000000000

Allocated power irps (PopIrpList - fffff80484845730)
IRP: ffffb98df09bd010 (wait-wake/S3), PDO: ffffb98de6d8c8f0
IRP: ffffb98df1df3010 (wait-wake/S0), PDO: ffffb98deceaa570
IRP: ffffb98df3b97010 (wait-wake/S0), PDO: ffffb98debfc8af0
IRP: ffffb98df2ee59a0 (wait-wake/S0), PDO: ffffb98de636e060
IRP: ffffb98df6a85620 (wait-wake/S3), PDO: ffffb98de6c3abf0
IRP: ffffb98df7fe9620 (wait-wake/S0), PDO: ffffb98dec375be0
IRP: ffffb98df692d8a0 (wait-wake/S0), PDO: ffffb98de642d060
IRP: ffffb98dec3fe010 (set/D0,), PDO: ffffb98de63e8060, CURRENT: ffffb98de6fb0030

Irp worker threads (PopIrpThreadList - fffff8048483ad40)
THREAD: ffffb98de32ea040 (static), IRP: ffffb98dec3fe010, DEVICE: ffffb98de6fb0030
THREAD: ffffb98de32e9040 (static)

Broadcast in progress: FALSE

No Device State present
