Windows 10 Windows 10 - VPN User Group membership

  • Thread starter Thread starter vinod7
  • Start date Start date


When the user is on Cisco VPN or any third party VPN on a Windows 10 device the user group membership does not enumerate properly. For example, we have a group called W10RemMedia that we add users that needed USB access. When on the VPN, if the user is being added to the group, then it never updates on the user end device. Running gpupdate/force or logoff/login/restart did not work. So if i run whoami /groups or gpresult /r the group name never shows up. I tried klist -lh 0 -li <Hexadecimal> purge, but as a normal user it cannot run as it does not permission. The other workaround is to kill the explorer and launch it again. But here the map drive are lost. Any other solution ?

Hexadecimal Value is retrieved using -

gwmi Win32_LogonSession | % { $one = $_ ; $one.GetRelated('Win32_Account') | Select Domain, Name, SID, @{ n = 'LogonSessionHEX' ; e = { '0x{0:X}' -f ([int] $one.LogonId) } }, @{ n = 'LogonSessionDEC' ; e = { $one.LogonId } } , @{ n = 'LogonType' ; e = { $one.LogonType } } }
