Windows 10 Slow File Copy over SMB out of No Reason

  • Thread starter Thread starter march_happy
  • Start date Start date


At beginning it copies but then the transfer speed would quickly drop to (near) zero.

The file server is a Win 10 Pro. I have tested \\ and \\[File Server IP] on that file server, both are fine.

But when other machines in LAN copy files from file server, transfer speed would quickly drop to zero. The problem shouldn't be on the switch as starting a HTTP server and downloading files is okay, and there is no sign of packet loss.

Ping result

299 packets transmitted, 299 received, 0% packet loss, time 298376ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.545/0.916/3.943/0.359 ms

Network profiles should have been correctly set, I am expecting SMB access from OpenWrt and Port 2 (on an Intel I350-T4).

❯ Get-NetConnectionProfile

Name : 网络 2
InterfaceAlias : vEthernet (OpenWrt LAN)
InterfaceIndex : 23
NetworkCategory : Private
IPv4Connectivity : Internet
IPv6Connectivity : NoTraffic

Name : 网络 4
InterfaceAlias : Port 2
InterfaceIndex : 32
NetworkCategory : Private
IPv4Connectivity : Internet
IPv6Connectivity : Internet

Name : Campus
InterfaceAlias : vEthernet (University Wired)
InterfaceIndex : 18
NetworkCategory : Public
IPv4Connectivity : LocalNetwork
IPv6Connectivity : NoTraffic

Name : 网络 3
InterfaceAlias : vEthernet (PPPoE)
InterfaceIndex : 4
NetworkCategory : Public
IPv4Connectivity : LocalNetwork
IPv6Connectivity : LocalNetwork

And this is my current SMB server configuration:

❯ Get-SmbServerConfiguration

AnnounceComment :
AnnounceServer : False
AsynchronousCredits : 64
AuditSmb1Access : False
AutoDisconnectTimeout : 15
AutoShareServer : True
AutoShareWorkstation : True
CachedOpenLimit : 10
DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds : 180
EnableAuthenticateUserSharing : False
EnableDownlevelTimewarp : False
EnableForcedLogoff : True
EnableLeasing : True
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableOplocks : True
EnableSecuritySignature : False
EnableSMB1Protocol : False
EnableSMB2Protocol : True
EnableStrictNameChecking : True
EncryptData : False
IrpStackSize : 15
KeepAliveTime : 2
MaxChannelPerSession : 32
MaxMpxCount : 50
MaxSessionPerConnection : 16384
MaxThreadsPerQueue : 20
MaxWorkItems : 1
NullSessionPipes :
NullSessionShares :
OplockBreakWait : 35
PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds : 120
RejectUnencryptedAccess : True
RequireSecuritySignature : False
ServerHidden : True
Smb2CreditsMax : 2048
Smb2CreditsMin : 128
SmbServerNameHardeningLevel : 0
TreatHostAsStableStorage : False
ValidateAliasNotCircular : True
ValidateShareScope : True
ValidateShareScopeNotAliased : True
ValidateTargetName : True

I was suspecting about SMB's signing and encrypting but they are not enabled. Besides, I have tried setting autotuninglevel to highlyrestricted but still not resolved. sfc /scannow and dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth are good. So what's next in order to figure out this SMB server's misbehavior?
