Hacked by roommate (Urgent)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacob Telford
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Jacob Telford

Hi, I've had a very hard time getting rid of my roommates malware malicious attempts on my computer, and I need some serious good advice.

Back in November of last year, my roommate went onto my computer (with me there, but I wasn't as 'knowledgeable' as I am now about computers....) long story short, he gave admin permissions to a website to read my computer, and I'm pretty sure he's constantly connecting through my microsoft account, and my windows activation code thing. He seems to be connecting to my computer, and he keeps changing my very safe settings to very unsafe ones (On malwarebytes, chrome, computer settings). I assume he's doing it slowly, but I have no way of actually knowing, I'm not a tech savvy guy in computer processes.

I've tried reinstalling windows, I've taken it to "Experience Computers" for help with malware, and I've even disabled a MASSIVE amount of phone and 'office computer' connection services on my computer (This is later on). But no matter what I can't seem to shake off the virus, however, I think I'm learning more about what it is.

From what I can see, when I first noticed the 'malware' (Unsure of classification), I saw my internet browser had a bunch of cookies from "qnxxvmei.com" which when googled, is a malware service that you can program yourself. I contacted police immediately but that fell short as no money has been lost at this point (The roommate got more aggressive after this). Afterwards I looked in my task manager, and I noticed "your phone (2)" was always connected to my computer (I have never connected my phone to my computer), as well as downloads were happening; and this weird microsoft text input application always flickered on and off a few minutes at a time. A new user popped up on my user list, with untouchable permissions about 30 minutes later while i was attempting to fight this by stopping the processes. I tried a few things but nothing I did really helped, and ending the task always brought up microsoft content in the taskbar; immediately followed by "your phone" or "game bar presence writer" then "your phone".

At this point I went to experience computers, and he disabled a bunch of "bloatware" he said, as well as the phone abilities. After this it seemed okay for a small bit, but some things started happening; and I was nervously monitoring my task manager. My settings were still changing from safe to unsafe options, but "your phone" was gone. However microsoft content kept popping up, and after a few tasks flickered on and off too quickly to see; there was a settings synchronization. After this synchronization, a bunch of my computer settings were unsafe again, as well as my malware bytes and my chrome settings.

These settings keep turning to the unsafe options, and I can't seem to find the hole to plug. I have had a few friends helping me find some of the malwares traces, but nothing we do actually fixes the issue; and I'm running out of ideas of how to fix this...

I tried to reach out to https://support.microsoft.com/contactus, however their talk to a person option just spins forever.

Please help.
