Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps won't launch. "The parameter is incorrect."

  • Thread starter Thread starter RedByte1337
  • Start date Start date


When trying to launch an application through the Microsoft Store after installing it, I get the following error and the app won't start.

https://gyazo com/ee24dcca85e616e0483a82d1150ed9af

(Can't paste images or links yet, gyazo is just an image sharing website)

After trying multiple solutions I found online, none of them seemed to work for me. This is what I tried already:

  • Resetting permissions recursively for all folders and files in the WindowsApps folder with the following command: "icacls "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" /q /c /t /reset". More than half of the items fail since "Access is Denied", even though I ran powershell as administrator. (...Access is denied. Successfully processed 30483 files; Failed processing 34498 files))
  • I have removed the Windows Store and all it's apps using the powershell command "Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage". After that, I got the Windows Store back using the command:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}"

I also installed the application again and tried running it again but still received the same error.

  • I've tried the troubleshooter for Windows Store Apps, tried both repair and resetting the App itself and uninstalled it countless times in between every other troubleshooting step I took. But still no success.

I did notice some possibly divergent permissions on the folder this app is being installed on. Which is strange as the folder gets removed when I uninstall the app, and the permissions stay like this for every new install I try:

https://gyazo com/291afb164016900181bc9351453d997b

Note that "Gebruikers" is dutch for "Users" while "MSI" is just the hostname of the computer.

It says the first access control entry is corrupt. I can't change anything here. If I click "Change Permissions" every option gets grayed out. This is also the case when trying to change the owner.

If I show the "Effective Access" for my normal user account, it shows I have Full Control, including changing permissions.

I've tried it for other folders in the WindowsApps folder, but there I can change the owner just fine while the current owner also is System.

One side note though; a while back I changed the owner of the WindowsApps folder from "TrustedInstaller" to "Administrators". I forgot about that and it has been like that for a couple of months. I never encountered any issues though until yesterday when installing this App. I changed the owner back to TrustedInstaller and retried every troubleshooting step listed above again, but this did not fix it either.

The app I'm trying to run is "Minecraft Dungeons", but I don't believe the issue lies with the App itself as I also encountered the same problem with another App I tried to install. A third app worked fine though. I just bought the Xbox Game Pass for PC which allows me to install these games for free, but two out of three so far won't even launch. I hope someone can find a solution for this as otherwise this would be a waste of the Game Pass.
