My One Drive was infected and files/folders/docs were corrupted, shared to and infected other accounts, renamed items, made numerous duplicates. Just completely re-arranged my one drive data -- as well as disorganized the file structure synced to my desktop. Restoring One Drive did not solve the problem. And System Restore's restore point deleted on it's own somehow.
***Will this be likely to reoccur if I reinstall One Drive to sync data with my device again? And how can I prevent this from happening again? Are there any tools, products, solutions anyone can suggest to scan one drive since MS defender did no detect the malware/virus issue in the first place with their real time cloud protection?
***Will this be likely to reoccur if I reinstall One Drive to sync data with my device again? And how can I prevent this from happening again? Are there any tools, products, solutions anyone can suggest to scan one drive since MS defender did no detect the malware/virus issue in the first place with their real time cloud protection?