My PC is protected, when I keep a coded file into the system it removes it and says that the file contains a virus or threat
but when I tried to get this file into excluded folder/file, I can't open settings of windows security, no "virus and thread protection settings" are found in search and everywhere in the window
It shows the antivirus has no providers.
I opened "services.msc" and found windows defender services all were running but advanced system start and suddenly off and says
"Some systems services stops automatically when they are not in use". 'Service center' is not showing any task, any option, just showing properties, help and refresh.
I have tried this too but nothing helps
1. Press Windows Key + R
2. Type regedit in the run box.
4. Right click this file and select permissions
5. Press Advanced
6. Where it says owner press change
7. Change the owner to your username
8. Now press apply then ok
9. Select Full Control from the permissions menu
(click the Widnows Defender folder)
10. Find the value DisableAntiSpyware and DisableAntiVirus and set these values to 0
(explaination: double click each and where the 1 is put 0 and press ok)
11. Open services.msc
12. Find Windows Defender
13. There should be 2 services: Windows Defender Service and Windows Defnder Netwrok
14. Right click each and press start
15. After you have started both restart your computer
16. Run Windows Defender
My window version is 1909 window 10 and no further updates I have found in update center

My PC is protected, when I keep a coded file into the system it removes it and says that the file contains a virus or threat
but when I tried to get this file into excluded folder/file, I can't open settings of windows security, no "virus and thread protection settings" are found in search and everywhere in the window
It shows the antivirus has no providers.
I opened "services.msc" and found windows defender services all were running but advanced system start and suddenly off and says
"Some systems services stops automatically when they are not in use". 'Service center' is not showing any task, any option, just showing properties, help and refresh.
I have tried this too but nothing helps
1. Press Windows Key + R
2. Type regedit in the run box.
4. Right click this file and select permissions
5. Press Advanced
6. Where it says owner press change
7. Change the owner to your username
8. Now press apply then ok
9. Select Full Control from the permissions menu
(click the Widnows Defender folder)
10. Find the value DisableAntiSpyware and DisableAntiVirus and set these values to 0
(explaination: double click each and where the 1 is put 0 and press ok)
11. Open services.msc
12. Find Windows Defender
13. There should be 2 services: Windows Defender Service and Windows Defnder Netwrok
14. Right click each and press start
15. After you have started both restart your computer
16. Run Windows Defender
My window version is 1909 window 10 and no further updates I have found in update center
