My computer has been acting in ways that I find suspicous... Short of uploading all forty-two (42) pieces of action I took, I'll upload the forty-sencond.

42> side-by-side comparitive screenshot of
non-descript: HID Keyboard Device (unwanted; ref: 41) & "Razer DeathAdder Elite" (wanted)
System logs do not match up in the two.
I think on November 4th my computer gave me the "blue-screen" (crashed) with prompt of strings where all
I read from was "
" in super-sized font. The rest of the text was disregarded.
: unsure if I should remove device driver from client computer; may contact Microsoft to check if uninstalling driver will cause an issue. Decided to contact microsoft.
As I was typing this note another suspicious annoyance revealed it self when I was formatting...
It was harder to format as "delete" functionality wasn't behaving normally, text was moving in a way not anticipated.
There were three other non-descript repetitive instances of "HID

*after uploading file; formatting nuisance re-occurred.
I think I got network virus from the "enjin" forums ; dracarys . vae victis : and it involved the third-party program "Teamspeak" alongside an overlay called "Overwolf"
Can I uninstall the driver's with the non-descript name without damaging functionality of my computer?

42> side-by-side comparitive screenshot of
non-descript: HID Keyboard Device (unwanted; ref: 41) & "Razer DeathAdder Elite" (wanted)
System logs do not match up in the two.
I think on November 4th my computer gave me the "blue-screen" (crashed) with prompt of strings where all
I read from was "

: unsure if I should remove device driver from client computer; may contact Microsoft to check if uninstalling driver will cause an issue. Decided to contact microsoft.
As I was typing this note another suspicious annoyance revealed it self when I was formatting...
It was harder to format as "delete" functionality wasn't behaving normally, text was moving in a way not anticipated.
There were three other non-descript repetitive instances of "HID

*after uploading file; formatting nuisance re-occurred.
I think I got network virus from the "enjin" forums ; dracarys . vae victis : and it involved the third-party program "Teamspeak" alongside an overlay called "Overwolf"
Can I uninstall the driver's with the non-descript name without damaging functionality of my computer?