Anyone else suddenly seeing the yahoo! search engine with an unusual name in front of it?! It's plaguing the best of us, and I had a question about how to remove this low-level hijacker search all week. I have scoured the Interwebs for the answer. The usual answers were not helpful, as it isn't found in the Apps & Features section since it's attached to a bundle of items somewhere in the depths of my computer. After what feels like 427 rabbit holes of useless info later, I stumbled upon and almost "this can't seriously be this easy, right?" answer. But. It. Worked!!! So...I figured I would save people some time and give you the SUPER EASY removal of this stupid coolnewtabtheme virus that has hijacked your normal Chrome search 
Simply open a new tab in Chrome, copy and paste this URL chrome://settings/resetProfileSettings and choose reset. Ta-Da! All set. Just log back in with your Google info, and you're ready to go, minus the pesky tag-along hijacker. Hope this helps someone!

Simply open a new tab in Chrome, copy and paste this URL chrome://settings/resetProfileSettings and choose reset. Ta-Da! All set. Just log back in with your Google info, and you're ready to go, minus the pesky tag-along hijacker. Hope this helps someone!