Windows defender found PUA

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A weird question but anyway

I have F-secure installed. I know that Windows Defender does not work

with F-secure. But I did a full scan of my computer with Windows

Defender because I got a blue screen earlier and wanted to do a scan

with another program too just in case.


I was using Microsoft Edge (on a website some that might have suspicious

adds but I never clicked on anything and the page has always been safe

when I don't click on any adds and I have F-secure installed so I have

never been worried). I had exited the "website with adds" and I was

simply typing something to google search box when suddenly my PC's mouse

stopped moving, Keyboard stopped working and my PC crashed to a blue

screen and gave me some kind of memory error it was maybe Memory

management or something else (I can't remember the exact one.) I don't

know if being on that one website could be connected to this blue screen

or if it was simply an error out of nowhere ( which my pc has never got

before in the over 2 years I have had it).

If my PC is fine and nothing is wrong I'll still never visit any website

with "too" many adds again AV installed or not.

Windows Defender keeps telling me about PUA: Win32/NetFilter


containerfile: C:\Recovery\Customizations\usmt.ppkg

file: C:\Recovery\Customizations\usmt.ppkg->\ICB\MachineSpecific\File\C$\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\GameFirst IV\Driver\tdi\i386\netfilter2.sys

file: C:\Recovery\Customizations\usmt.ppkg->\ICB\MachineSpecific\File\C$\Windows\System32\drivers\netfilter2.sys

Now when I pressed delete it "spins around"/does the process for a long

time then it is gone and says that there are no current threats.

When I restart my computer or do another scan with Windows Defender it

gives the same PUA notification again.

F-secure scan does not find anything.

I can't find the folder where the supposed PUA is located at.

(Also does Malware bytes work with F-secure installed?) I did a scan

with it too and it at least didn't find anything either.

I would just want some my PC safe? PUA is not a virus

according to Microsoft support and it is not harmful (they told me


Is this true? Do I not need to worry about this notification? I just

cancelled the Windows Defender scan last time it saw the supposed PUA

again. But I'm still worried if it still exists. Is here some kind of

way to be sure that it no longer exists without needing to disable

F-secure in order to Windows Defender to maybe work properly?

This is really confusing because like I said earlier I know that Windows

Defender does not work with F-secure so I can't even see protection

history and I don't know if the delete option got rid of the program or

not. And like I said earlier F-secure never notified me about the/any


I'm just really paranoid about this. Even if the other scans don't find

anything and even if Windows Defender finds something are my PC and

accounts safe?

I need to confirm this...otherwise I will not feel safe using my PC

anymore. I don't want to reset my whole PC and I have a lot of important

files but no back ups.

Help is greatly appreciated!

My questions in short for clarification:

1. Windows Defender full scan keeps finding PUA but other AV scans

don't. Does this mean that I'm safe?

2. Does Windows Defender do the "delete" option even with F-secure

installed? And even if it does not is the program still gone since

F-secure has not notified me about it?

3. Is the notification fine to ignore since the other scan don't find


4. Is PUA really not harmful? It is not a virus? It won't do any damage

to my PC or privacy?

5. Why can't I find the location where the program is located at? (I'm

not sure I have hidden files shown or not...they should be but I'm not


Once again help and opinions/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
