Charbel Sarofeen
I recently got a new PC running Windows 10. I am using Defender (for now, I am switching later on) and it keeps blocking almost every app that is downloading or trying to access my files. These apps are trusted sources. It happened on some apps like Lightworks, paint.net, and even notepad.exe and my manufacturer processor app (AMD). It even blocked an app from trying to access my memory. It's weird how it said that my administrator blocked this action even though I'm the administrator. Is it talking about TrustedInstaller or some other thing? This is really strange!! These are some screenshots.
Screenshot one: Screenshot
Screenshot two: Screenshot
Screenshot three: Screenshot
Screenshot four: Screenshot
Screenshot five: Screenshot
Screenshot six: Screenshot
Screenshot seven: Screenshot
Screenshot one: Screenshot
Screenshot two: Screenshot
Screenshot three: Screenshot
Screenshot four: Screenshot
Screenshot five: Screenshot
Screenshot six: Screenshot
Screenshot seven: Screenshot