Hi, inexpert person here; but reporting a problem and a 'solution'. Resembles 'malware'.
This unwanted popup was appearing on my screen ( PC with windows 10) after I typed in my PIN when starting up. Things seemed to work otherwise.

Consulting microsoft community, it seemed to have something to do with adobe/windows interaction. I don't use adobe often.
I uninstalled ALL adobe apps- still appearing!
I managed to find the list of 'startup programs' . 'howtogeek.com/351537/how-to-manage-startup-programs-in-windows-10s-settings-app/' was a good help.
Found 2 adobe startup programs listed ( now; I have already uninstalled all adobe apps!). I disabled these 2 programs.
Result!: 24 hours later, and I am still free of these unwanted popups.
This unwanted popup was appearing on my screen ( PC with windows 10) after I typed in my PIN when starting up. Things seemed to work otherwise.

Consulting microsoft community, it seemed to have something to do with adobe/windows interaction. I don't use adobe often.
I uninstalled ALL adobe apps- still appearing!
I managed to find the list of 'startup programs' . 'howtogeek.com/351537/how-to-manage-startup-programs-in-windows-10s-settings-app/' was a good help.
Found 2 adobe startup programs listed ( now; I have already uninstalled all adobe apps!). I disabled these 2 programs.
Result!: 24 hours later, and I am still free of these unwanted popups.