Apple airs new iPhone ad, forgets Android and BlackBerry have app stores too [video]


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A.

Apple began airing a trio of new iPhone commercials recently, and one in particular caught our attention. “If you don’t have an iPhone,” the ad begins, “you don’t have the App Store. So you don’t have the world’s largest selection of apps.” Accurate as that statement may be, we can’t help but wonder why — with this massive war chest of apps Apple loves to brag about — the company’s ad agency couldn’t find a few that are actually unique to the iOS platform. In a remarkably smooth move on Apple’s part, the “If you don’t have an iPhone” ad it approved and is paying to air features two apps that are, in fact, available to people who don’t have an iPhone. Delta Air Lines’ mobile app is available for both Android and BlackBerry phones as well as the iPhone, and the Starbucks Card Mobile app debuted on the BlackBerry platform at the same time it was launched for iOS. Hit the jump for the full commercial.

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report