CHF Owner
BGR has confirmed with AT&T that both the Motorola ATRIX 4G and the HTC Inspire 4G will receive software updates in April that will enable HSUPA. The confirmation follows a report on Friday from enthusiast blog, which points out a posting to the same effect on AT&T’s Facebook page. A Motorola representative stated earlier this week that the company was working on an update for AT&T’s ATRIX 4G due for release in April, but he stated that the update would not enable HSUPA. He was apparently mistaken, though his comment on the matter remains live on Motorola’s forum. ATRIX 4G and Inspire 4G owners have been very vocal about the lack of true “4G” compatibility in the devices, and it looks like AT&T is finally preparing to remedy the situation. AT&T has not yet announced further details surrounding the software updates or a timeline for their distribution.
Via BRG - Boy Genius Report