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According to patent filings discovered by Patently Apple, Cupertino-based tech company Apple may be working to bring a Spaces-like feature to its iPad tablet. Spaces, which first debuted in Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) back in 2007, allows users to manage multiple, virtual desktops to aid window organization and management — the feature has been standard in a handful of various Linux window environments for nearly a decade. It is unclear if the function will be used as a card-based application switcher, like the ones found on webOS and the BlackBerry PlayBook; as a true, multi-desktop, multi-tasking application; or if this is just another one of those things Apple decided to patent just in case. Either way, the feature looks interesting… we wouldn’t be opposed other tablet operating systems manufacturers re-engineering a feature like this for their own OS.
Via BRG - Boy Genius Report