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The first authorized biography about Apple CEO Steve Jobs is set to launch in early 2012, publisher Simon and Schuster announced on Sunday. The book, titled “iSteve: The Book of Jobs,” was written by Walter Isaacson, who began writing it in 2009. The Washington Post said Isaacson worked closely with Jobs and also interviewed family members, co-workers at Apple, and even those at Apple’s competitors. Isaacson is no stranger to writing; he’s written books about Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, served as CEO at CNN, and worked for TIME. “This is the perfect match of subject and author, and it is certain to be a landmark book about one of the world’s greatest innovators,” said Simon & Schuster publisher Jonathan Karp. “Just as he did with Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, Walter Isaacson is telling a unique story of revolutionary genius.”
Via BRG - Boy Genius Report