CHF Owner

The prices for several upcoming Verizon Wireless smartphones — including the Samsung DROID Charge, HTC DROID Incredible 2, LG Revolution, and Motorola DROID X 2 — have seemingly been revealed by Phone Arena. There aren’t too many surprises in store, but it’s clear that you’re definitely going to be paying a premium for a new 4G LTE phone. The DROID Incredible 2, and DROID X 2 are both priced at the standard $199.99 with a new two-year contract. The Samsung DROID Charge, on the other hand, could be priced at $299.99 — the cost of a low-end netbook — but it does pack in 4G LTE support, a 4.3-inch Super-AMOLED display, an 8-megapixel camera, and other high-end hardware. Next up is the LG Revolution, another 4G LTE Android 2.2 smartphone with a 1GHz Snapdragon processor and a 4-inch display. It’s apparently priced at $249.99, which is dead-on with the pricing of the HTC ThunderBolt. Release dates for these devices haven’t been confirmed, but we’d bet you’ll see a few of them — almost certainly the DROID Incredible 2 — in the coming months.
Via BRG - Boy Genius Report