CHF Owner

Android enthusiast blog Android Central has obtained what appears to be an internal Verizon Wireless document that compares the upcoming Samsung DROID Charge to four other Verizon smartphones. The sheet lays out the Charge’s specs next to the HTC ThunderBolt, the Samsung Fascinate, the Motorola DROID 2 Global and the Apple iPhone 4, and the upcoming 4G phone certainly holds its ground against each device. The only previously unknown feature revealed by the document is the DROID Charge’s enhanced mobile hotspot functionality, which will support up to five devices in 3G coverage areas and up to 10 devices when connected to 4G. Finally, we should note that one key category — battery life — is noticeably absent from the comparison sheet. Considering the Charge’s massive display, 4G LTE compatibility and enhanced mobile hotspot feature, interested parties should likely plan on picking up an extra battery or three should they opt to buy a DROID Charge following its launch. Hit the jump for the full internal comparison sheet.

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report