Sprint goes after T-Mobile customers, uses acquisition as bait


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A.

Speaking of smear campaigns, a new Sprint promotion specifically targets T-Mobile CL customers that may be uneasy about the proposed merger, according to a new report. According to a purported internal document, Sprint is trying to lure customers away by offering to pay their T-Mobile early termination fees up to $175 per line if they switch to Sprint. ”Do you have the feeling the AT&T/T-Mobile won’t end with a ‘Happily Ever After?’,” the document asks Sprint distribution partners. “Well, we’ve got a deal specifically for those T-Mobile CL customers having similar concerns.” To sweeten the deal and alleviate any worries for potential T-Mobile defectors, Sprint will also waive subscribers’ ETF fees if the AT&T’s acquisition of T-Mobile is not approved and they choose to switch back to T-Mobile as a result. Sprint has been openly and vocally opposed to the merger since AT&T first announced its intentions to acquire T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom for $39 billion this past March. The carrier’s new ETF credit promotion reportedly begins today and runs through July 23rd.


Via BRG - Boy Genius Report