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According to a trusted source from a major big box retailer, sales of RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook have fallen far short of expectations. In addition, we’re told that the PlayBook is being returned at a higher pace than the Motorola XOOM. According to our source, PlayBook sales at this particular retailer missed internal sales targets by more than 90%. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the PlayBook is “being returned at a much higher rate than the XOOM,” which has a very high return rate itself at 7% according to our source. RIM launched its PlayBook tablet on April 19th and sales have been fairly impressive so far according to some analysts. Our source is singing a different tune, however, so let’s hope other major retailers are having better luck with the PlayBook. We’re rooting for RIM, but maybe amateur hour isn’t over yet?
Via BRG - Boy Genius Report