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Motorola*inadvertently*went live with an upcoming website redesign on Tuesday evening, revealing six unannounced devices set to be released in the near future, reports claim. Before Motorola was able to pull the test site, cell phone blog was able to procure some telling screen grabs. Devices pictured include Motorola’s upcoming second-generation Android tablet, the XOOM 2, a watch phone codenamed “Tracey XL” after*fictitious*crime-fighting gadget hound Dick Tracey, and four smartphones: the ultra-thin Motorola “Slimline” and Motorola “Zaha,” the upcoming 4G LTE-enabled Motorola “Targa” and the Motorola “Pearl.” No further information about the devices was made available by the screenshots.*Hit the break for more images of these unannounced Motorola devices. Motorola Slimline: Motorola Zaha: Motorola Tracey XL: (The Motorola Pearl is
Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
Via BRG - Boy Genius Report