CHF Owner
Many of you have been reading BGR for years and yet we still don’t know any of the faces behind the avatars. Well, there’s some we probably don’t want to know, but that’s beside the point. We’re doing a super event that’s just for BGR readers and fans in New York City on September 7th at 7:00 p.m., and it’s your chance to corner me and try and make me switch from an iPhone to Android, to smack some sense into Zach for loving the PlayBook, and to try and get Todd off his Infuse. We’ll have some special guests, good music and of course, the entire BGR team will be there. Samsung will also be on hand to demo some of the company’s latest devices. Space is incredibly limited, so if you’d like to attend, please make sure to RSVP at the email below address, and make sure to get there early! We’ll also be giving away a heap load of Samsung devices, so you really want to get there early. The event is at one our favorite spots in the city, AVENUE, and of course, we’d like to thank Samsung for sponsoring the event.
Click here to RSVP
[url=]Via BRG - Boy Genius Report[/url]
Click here to RSVP
[url=]Via BRG - Boy Genius Report[/url]