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The FBI has arrested at least two alleged members of “LulzSec” and “Anonymous,” FoxNews reported on Thursday. One LulzSec hacker was arrested at a technical school in Phoenix, Arizona and is believed to have been behind the infamous attacks on Sony in late May. A second hacker was arrested in San Francisco and manhunts are ongoing in Minnesota, Montana and New Jersey according to an FBI official speaking to Fox News. 32 Anonymous hackers were detained in Turkey in June while another 16 were arrested in the United Kingdom and the United States. A 19-year old LulzSec member named Jack Davis who went by the handle “Topiary” was arrested in July and later released on bail. Anonymous and LulzSec are believed to have been behind a number of high-profile attacks against the U.S. government, Sony, Apple and other targets. Anonymous has egged on the FBI with numerous statements over the past few months and even published a public letter that stated: “Your threats to arrest us are meaningless to us as you cannot arrest an idea … there is nothing – absolutely nothing – you can possibly to do make us stop.”

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report