Amazon to sell 6 million Kindle Fire tablets, 8 million eReaders in Q4


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A.
Amazon’s Kindle Fire is a smash hit, with fourth-quarter sales that may exceed even the most lofty estimates reported ahead of the tablet’s recent launch. In just over six weeks of availability this quarter, analysts at Goldman Sachs estimate that Amazon will sell as many as 6 million Kindle Fire tablets. Add to that another 8 million Kindle-branded eBook readers the firm sees Amazon selling between October and the end of this year, and the retailer looks to be in store for a huge holiday quarter. ”While the Kindle Fire certainly doesn’t have the breadth of functionality of the iPad (no camera or microphone, shorter battery life and less memory), it does a few things very well, which just happen to be the few actions that users utilize the tablet form factor most often for, in our view,” Goldman’s report stated. BGR reviewed the Kindle Fire last month and we viewed it as an excellent and affordable option for many consumers looking to consume the wide range of digital content now available from Amazon.

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report