We're Back


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A.
After almost a year Android Forum is back. It's been a struggle getting the database back after a hard drive crash, but with persistence we salvaged everything.

When the HD died the site was just starting to take off and since I was extremely busy I had no time to get the data off the drive. I put the drive aside with the idea to see what I could do to get the site back up and running. I was able to recover just about everything.

So here we are. Back for good this time.
The site was offline for a few months due to health issues I was having. During the time the domain expired because I forgot to set up auto renew. I was lucky that no one grabbed the domain. With the health problems behind me I secured the domain and re-opened the site.

I'd like to welcome every back to the community and look forward to interacting with you.