Windows Vista Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

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Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

On Aug 24, 11:12 am, "[H]omer" <> wrote:
> This is the relevant (computational) section of Roy Culley's,
> WRT 'Quality' Posters.
> This is the last ... and I /mean/ the *very* last time I am *ever* going
> to discuss this subject.
> Any further comment on the matter will be completely ignored by me.
> Anything anyone still doesn't believe about the integrity of these stats
> from now on, that's their own problem. I simply don't give a rats arse.
> Although no explicit license was stated, copyright remains with Roy
> Culley. The only modifications I have made were with explicit
> permission, and affected only formatting (and the removal of references
> to specific posters like Kadaicha Man, who is long gone). Further to
> that, I use various wrappers (bash) for error checking and post
> submission. None of that has any bearing on actual statistics
> whatsoever. This is as much of the script as I will *ever* make public.
> Don't like it? Tough:
> ####
> sub QualityPosters {
> my($XP, $Q, $F, $T, $FullFrom, $LastXPostQ);
> my $Cnt = 1;
> foreach my $Poster (keys %FromName) {
> next if $FromName{$Poster} < 6;
> $XP = int((($FromName{$Poster} - $XPost{$Poster}) /
> $FromName{$Poster}) * 100);
> if ($QuoteFrom{$Poster}) {
> $Q = 100 - $QuoteFrom{$Poster};
> }
> else {
> $Q = 0;
> }
> if ($DirReply{$Poster} > $FromName{$Poster}) {
> $F = $DirReply{$Poster} - $FromName{$Poster} + 50;
> }
> else {
> $F = $FromName{$Poster} - $DirReply{$Poster} ;
> }
> if (exists $TrollCntFrom{$Poster}) {
> $T = (100 - (2.0 * $TrollCntFrom{$Poster}));
> }
> else {
> $T = 100;
> }
> $XPostQ{$Poster} = int(($XP + $Q + $F + $T) / 4);
> $XPostQ{$Poster} -= 75 if exists $FromTroll{$Poster};
> }
> IOW, just like it reads in the weekly posting:
> "The poster 'quality' stats is based on:
> a) quoting: 100 - %'age quoted
> b) cross-posting: 100 - %'age cross-posted
> c) number of direct followups posters articles get
> d) troll feeding: 100 - 2.0 * %'age troll followups
> e) 75 deducted for known trolls"
> Everything else in the script is merely about counting total posts, and
> formatting the output. There is no "conspiracy". What you see is what
> you get.
> There are very infrequent errors (mostly caused by power outages beyond
> my control). E.g. DFS noted that too many posts had been attributed to
> him in the course of one particular week (timestamps were messed up).
> The fact that *too many* posts were attributed to someone I classify as
> a Troll, should be some indication to the cynics that anomalies (if any)
> are *not* being deliberately introduced.
> I do now have an UPS in place, although the quality of my energy
> supplier's service in this area is so poor, that it occassionally takes
> them longer to restore service than the lifespan of the UPS charge. As a
> result of this, I have chained several UPS together, and this should
> provide a full 24 hours of battery life for that server at full load
> (yes it did once take my energy supplier *that* long to restore
> service). Anomalies with the Stats should now be very rare.
> For the purposes of these stats, the "known Trolls" are as follows:
> (ACDC|amicus_curious):::amicus_curious - Troll
> Alexander Terekhov:::Alexander Terekhov - Facist Troll
> Aunty Diluvian:::flatfish [nyms] - Mental-Ward Escapee
> Bill Gates:::Oxford - Mac Looney
> cc:::cc - Shifty MS Apologist
> Derk den Klotsoksel:::Derk den Klotsoksel - Troll
> (dfs|DFS):::DooFy - Money-Obsessed Goon
> Dom:::Dom - Idiot
> Erik Funkenbusch:::Ewik FUDenbusch
> Ian Semmel:::Ian Semmel - WinTroll / Idiot
> i...@block.spam:::"Scottish" Mike - Troll Apprentice
> JD Cantafio:::JD Cantafio - Troll
> Jeff_Relf:::Jeff_Relf - .Net k00k
> Joerg Schilling:::Joerg Schilling - 'Superior' Software Developer
> Larry Qualig:::Larry 'Msg-ID Larry' Qualig - Vile MS Shill
> Lintard:::Lintard - Moronic Goon
> linux-sux:::Scott [Nudds] Douglas [nyms] - Looney Troll
> Meat Plow:::flatfish [nyms] - Mental-Ward Escapee
> Mike Cox:::Idiotic Attention Seeker
> OK:::OK - MS Apologist and Liar
> Oliver Wong:::Oliver Wrong - MS Apologist
> (oxford|Oxford):::Oxford - Mac Looney
> Sandman:::Sandman - Mac Troll
> snit:::snit - Ridiculous MAC Troll
> Tim Smith:::Timmy 'Funkenbusch Wannabee' Smith
> Toad:::Toad - Troll
> waterskidoo:::waterskidoo - Troll
> This is by no means the full list, but merely some of the more infamous
> or recent entries. The full list is far too long (goes back years) to
> post here. In particular, the number of flatfish nyms would require
> several pages just by itself.
> Certain posters are dropped completely and simply not counted at all,
> due to the extremity of their behaviour (leafnode filter):
> ^From:.*(?i)Alexander Terekhov
> ^From:.*(?i)raylopez99
> ^From:.*(?i)Capt.*Morgan
> ^From:.*(?i)Dr(\.|\ )
> ^From:.*(?i)Mr(\.|\ )
> ^Newsgroups:.*24hoursupport.helpdesk.*
> ^Newsgroups:.*alt\.idiots.*
> ^Newsgroups:.*alt\.flame.*
> ^Newsgroups:.*alt\.politics.*
> ^Newsgroups:.*comp\.sys\.mac\.advocacy.*
> The above is the *complete* filter used by COLA Stats, anything else
> that you think /should/ have gotten through but didn't, is an issue with
> SuperNews (my uplink), not the script.
> Placement in the killfile or Trolls list is not necessarily permanent
> (e.g. this week sees the return of Hadron from the bitbucket, and Bailo
> is out of the Trolls list).
> There is *zero* manual intervention with this automated process. No
> post-processing is done by me at all. The only time that would ever
> happen, would be if the script fscked up and sent an empty/corrupted
> post (did happen once - my fault). If the text file
> "advocate-of-the-week.txt" is present, it is also automatically picked
> up by a wrapper for the COLA Stats script, if not then that section is
> blank. Again, this requires no manual intervention with the actual stats
> process (once a week, I pick out a good post and send it to the above
> text file. Haven't done that recently).
> Final comments:
> COLA is an unmoderated group. Neither I nor anyone else "owns" COLA. The
> weekly Stats post is merely a voluntary contribution that I do not have
> any exclusive rights to, which I make for the sake of interest and fun only.
> The script used was *not* written by me, and is not "owned" by me, but I
> merely use it. Refusing to *release* the source to software that is
> *not* publicly distributed, is *not* in contradiction to the principles
> of Free Software. *If* it *is* distributed, then it should be licensed,
> and if it is licensed, then I'd prefer software to be licensed under the
> GPL. This does *not* mean that *everyone* is *obligated* to release
> *every* piece of software they ever write for their own purposes ... or
> any other private works. Those who cry "hypocrisy" (including some who
> purport to be "advocates") need to shut their fat gobs and engage their
> braincells ... assuming they have that capacity.
> As for the weekly post itself ... don't like it? Don't read it. But quit
> bitching and get a life. Better yet, just stop Trolling. If you don't
> like GNU/Linux, you don't belong here - so piss off. Just my opinion.
> --
> K.
> .----
> | "Proprietary licenses, the crack cocaine of software finance."
> | - Matt Asay, CNET
> `----
> Fedora release 7 (Moonshine) on sky, running kernel
> 17:11:05 up 15 days, 16:06, 3 users, load average: 0.25, 0.19, 0.20

And this ladies and gentlemen is a perfect, textbook reason why you

All it takes is for the programmer to have a hissy fit, like Homer,
and that's the end of the project.
Meanwhile you and your company are left holding the bag.

Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

On Aug 24, 1:03 pm, wrote:

> And this ladies and gentlemen is a perfect, textbook reason why you
> All it takes is for the programmer to have a hissy fit, like Homer,
> and that's the end of the project.

In other words, thinking adults who have differing opinions.

Closed source is for 4 year olds who need MOM to tell them what to
wear and how to wear it.
Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 13:03:03 -0700, mr.macfeelme wrote:

> And this ladies and gentlemen is a perfect, textbook reason why you
> All it takes is for the programmer to have a hissy fit, like Homer,
> and that's the end of the project.
> Meanwhile you and your company are left holding the bag.

And in the closed source world, all it takes is for the company to go
bankrupt, sell their IP to another company, or change their licensing
terms in a way that don't suit you anymore. At that point in time, you
don't even have pre-existing source code to work
have...nothing. You don't even have a bag to hold!

There are no guarantees in either the open source or closed source worlds.
Open source projects may get discontinued. Closed source projects may ALSO
get discontinued! You think it's never happened? It happens all the time
and in the closed source world you don't have a guarantee that you will
receive any source code when you go to purchase something. Open source,
you at least do have the source code as a foundation for future

Neither is "better" than the other. Both have their uses in their own
ways. Some of the code I write I'd never license Open Source, other code I
write I wouldn't mind at all. Depends largely on the project.

2003 Yamaha R6

Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 13:03:03 -0700, mr.macfeelme wrote:
> And this ladies and gentlemen is a perfect, textbook reason why you
> All it takes is for the programmer to have a hissy fit, like Homer, and
> that's the end of the project.
> Meanwhile you and your company are left holding the bag.

What crap. If it's open source, and it's important to anyone, a
different programmer/team can resume the development. With closed
source, development stops when the owner of the source code decides to
stop it, and that is final.

Take DOS for example. It is still useful for certain types of devices
(SCADA, CNC etc.), self-booting CDs for instructional or other purposes,
and system diagnostic tools. But Microsoft is sitting on the source code
for MS-DOS and it's essentially off-limits for commercial applications.
Fortunately a group of people has gone to the trouble of building an open
source DOS that developers can use and modify any way they see fit --

Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

Re: COLA Stats 'Quality' Poster calculation

The racist, liar and software thief Gary Stewart (flatfish) nymshifted:

< snip flatfish droppings >

You lately nymshifted to

Abbie Diaz, achmed.jones, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie Perkins,
Allison Juergans, allison_hunt1969, Alicia Hunt, Ana Thema, andyschipowitz,
Anna Banger, anonymous, Archie, Archie Moss Bunker, Archie Watermann, Baba
Booey, Babcock Johnson, babcock.latreen, Babu Singh, Bill Thomson, Billy
<billy.the.kidd>,, BingoBongo, bison, Bjarne Jensen,
bjornstad8800, BklynBoy, bonobo magilla, Boyce Mabri, BSEE, Bunsen Burner,
Buster, c.baumstumpff, CBFalconer, Charles LeGrand, Charlie, Choppers
McGee, Chris Thomas, Christine Abernathy, Claire Lynn, Clippy, Clock King,
Collie Entragion, Colon Singh, common cold, compton.plaines_kid, Connie
Hines, Corrie, corry.lebeu, Corrie Titlaand, Cory Dyvik, Curtis Wilson,
cymon.says, Damian O'Leary, Dana Bush, Danny Kwong, dbx_boy, Deadpenguin,
Debbie, Devon Dawson, dismoqualifetch, Donn Carlsbad, donna.bunting_tv,
Doug Richardson, Dragon.Boy, Dr.Long John Jones, dy.sector,
echo.valley_26809, Elliot Zimmermann, Elwin Winters, Emmanuel Arias, Fawn
Lebowitz, flatfish+++, foamy, frank boson, Franz Klammer, Fred Simmons,
gabriele howorth, Gary Stewart, GayClod, George Cotton, George Littlefield,
Gilbert, Gilbert Goiter, Gilbert Hochaim, gilligan, Greg Finnigan, Greg
Laplante, Hans Kimm, Hans Tomlinson, Harry Hilton, Harvey Fogel, Heather,
Heather69, Heather Trax, Heddy Seafield, Heidi van Wong, helmut.ginter,
hepcat, high_pain_humper, Hugh Himless, Ishmeal Hafizi, itchy balls, Ivan
Mctavish, IvanaB, Jason, jeff.smiley, Jeff Szarka, jjwassermann, Joe
Josephson, John, John Shelton, John Smith, Jorge Jorgensen,
jorge_shillingford, Jose Lopez, juke_joint, kaptain kaput, Karel Olish,
karen.bullfinch, Karen Hill, Karla Snodgress, kathy_krantz, Kaylie Solomon,
Kendra, Kenneth Downs, Kenny Dugan, Kent Dorfman, Ken Johnson, Kim Coinop,
Kinglen Wang, Kristen, kumba killington, Kurt Janker, Kyle Cadet, L Didio,
Laura Shillingford, Le Farter, Le Yammy, Leaking Onion, Leo Diaz, Les
Cramer, Les Turner, Les Walton, Leslie Bassman, Lilly, Lindy,
linux.curious, Linux Exposer, Lisa Shavas, Lisa Cottmann, Lois Hunt, Long,
long_tong_ling, Lukumi Babalu Aye, Luna Lane, Major Mynor, Manny, Mario
Fermin, McSwain, mista twista,Mogumbo, Moses, Mooshoo Bong Singh,
mr.macfeelme,, nate_mcspook, Navid Shakibapour,
okto_pussy,, organ.creep, OSS KDE User, Paddy McCrockett,
Paul Wannamaker, Paris Marriot, Patricia, Patrick Landrum, Patty LeGrange,
patty pippins, Patty Poppins, percy samson, Peter Gluckman, Peter Kohlmann,
peter.traphagen, Phil, Phillip Cornwall, phoung, phoung quoak, pickle_pete,
Piss Clam, Poopy Pants McGee, Quimby, Quinton Magee, Quizno Backer, Ray
Schitzmepantz, Reporter, Rich, Richard P. Johnson, Richie, Richie O'Toole,
Richie Spano, Robert Strunk, rothstein_ivan, Roy_Pestowitz,
Roy.Schakemetitz, Roy.Schavedmenutz, Roy.Schavesmewankz, Roy.Schitzowitz,
RP Modell, ryebra, Sally Vadi, Sammy, Sammy Whalen, Saul Goldblatt,
schavemetitz, Schestertitz, schestowizzle, schestowitz, schitzmepantz,
schisterwitz, Schlomo Smykowski, Sharon Cackle, Sharon Hubbasland, Sean,
Sean Fitzhenry, Sean Macpherson, Sewer Rat, sewer_clown, Shelly K.,
Sherlock Holmes , Schlomo Rabinowitz, Simon, simply.lisa, sista
sledgehammer, slacker.mcspritze, Spammy_Davis, spanny_davis, Stefan
Karstensen, Stephan Simonsen, Stephanie, Stephanie Mannerz, Stephen,
Stephen Olsen, Stephen Townshend, stomach.pump, SuckyB, Sue, sue quinterra,
SunnyB, Susan, Susan Bladder, Susan Lapinski, Susan Wong, Suzi Wong, Suzie
Wong, Swampee, Ted Bennington, Terri Sorensen, Terry Porter, The Beaver,
Thorsten, Thorsten Thigpen, Timmy Luncford , Toby Rastus Roosovelt III,
toe.mein, Tomas Bicsak, tomas.bozak, Tomas Dunton, Tomas Lucatorto, Tori,
Tori Wassermann, Torre Stanslaand, Trace Dennison, Tracee, Traci,
traci.pusey, Traci Spritzendrainer, trailerpark, Trina Swallows, Trolly,
Trudi Simpkins, Tryxie Lustern, Uday Shankar, victimizedb, victimizedbyms,
Vince Fontain, Vladimir Yepifano, Walter Bubniak, Wang Mycock, Wasser,
Waterskidoo, wendy, Wendy Duzz, Wendy Toiletwater, Whizzer, Wilbur J, willy
watkins jr, Willy Wong, wiltons_pypes, Winnie Septos, wizard.shot, Wobbles,
wylbur.horseman, Yanick Schmuley and zyklon_C.
Plus many, many, many more.

This about sums it. Forget anything that idiot writes. It is garbage