WSJ: Microsoft has no one other than Ballmer lined up to run Xbox division


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A.
fc0f9c77f23f5646fa78315b7db0e4ee.jpgAfter Microsoft's upcoming restructuring reportedly pushed former Xbox boss Don Mattrick to resign, many wondered when the company might appoint a successor to help guide the launch of the Xbox One later this year. The Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft has no plans to replace Mattrick at the moment though, and that the Xbox division will be run by current CEO Steve Ballmer for the foreseeable future. Specifically, the Journal reports that "Microsoft might choose not to fill Mr. Mattrick's position directly" because the company is "finishing the details of an executive restructuring... and it is unclear where the Xbox business will fit in a revamped organizational chart." This means that the Mattrick's deputies will probably stay in their current roles at the division while reporting directly to Ballmer, at least until the Xbox One launches in late 2013.d1df3c89a02e24bb08575d1d3a860d28._.gif

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report