CHF Owner's first-generation Surface tablets were surprising in a number of ways. The fact that this was Microsoft's first ever tablet effort and the hardware was so gorgeous and well-designed blew us away. But unfortunately, the other surprises were bad ones — namely the half-baked Windows RT operating system on the Surface RT and the relatively high price tags on both models. Microsoft ended up pulling in $853 million from sales of its Surface tablets during fiscal 2013, but it also took a $900 million charge related to moving unsold Surface inventory. It has been almost a year since the first Surface tablet debuted though, and hopefully Microsoft learned from its mistakes. Will the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 be a different story? Will Microsoft add a third tablet to its lineup to compete with the iPad mini? Our live coverage, which will be updated periodically with photos and text coverage, follows below.

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
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