Check out these AWESOME tips from Reddit users on how to get the most out of your Apple TV!


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A.
d5eedee07d2923b07bfbc2ec1d2578c5.jpegFlipping through the back pages of "the front page of the Internet" often yields some real gems, and a recently posted thread packed full of tips and tricks for new Apple TV owners certainly fits the bill. When a Reddit user who received a new Apple TV as a Christmas gift posted a message to the Apple subreddit looking for "cool tips," Redditors answered the call. The thread had more than 280 comments at the time of this writing and it is packed with plenty of great tips and tricks that new users and even some longtime Apple TV owners will find useful.

Here's a collection of some of the best tips from the thread:

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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report