REVIEW -- Pushing wearables to the next level with the Polar Loop fitness tracker and H7 heart rate


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A.
851343e48ff051c7c3fbaed74fe9e5bd.jpgThe wearables market as a whole began to gain steam long before fitness trackers were en vogue, but there’s no question that the likes of Fitbit, Nike and Jawbone have benefited tremendously from the resulting collision course. Truth be told, it’s becoming somewhat difficult just to keep track of all of the options for keeping track of your health.

Polar has been dabbling in the fitness space for longer than most, but it’s just now churning out a wrist-worn apparatus that aims to rival the Jawbone Up, Nike FuelBand, Basis, Larklife and Bowflex Boost (among others). The $110 Loop is pretty much exactly what you think it is: a lightweight, long-lasting band that tracks your steps and displays a smattering of data points using a spartan LED display.

Where it surges ahead, however, is its compatibility with two of Polar’s heart rate monitors.

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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report