Is Samsung poised to rule the tablet market?


CHF Owner
May 18, 1998
Florida U.S.A." class="bgr-rss-featured-image bgr-rss-test-class">Samsung doesn't have an iconic tablet brand on par with its Galaxy S and Galaxy Note lines of smartphones... but it might not need one. Samsung's tablet strategy last year was to spam out as many different models as it could think of to see which ones, if any, would catch on. And its strategy seems to be working: New numbers from web content creation company Onswipe show that Samsung tablet usage surged over the holiday season, as Samsung tablet users who visited Onswipe sites grew by more than 50% between Christmas 2012 and Christmas 2013. In comparison, growth in iPad visitors to Onswipe sites grew by just 20.4% over the same period while growth in Nexus 7 visitors grew by 33.8% and Amazon Kindle Fire visitors grew by 19.5%.Continue reading...165f434436a91c7d3e6dc7c24bca29ca._.gif

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
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