Jan 8, 2014 #1 AWS CHF Owner Joined May 18, 1998 Messages 22,133 Location Florida U.S.A. Bad news for Xbox One owners hoping to stream their games in the near future -- according to the Twitch Twitter account, the Direct Broadcasting feature still lacks a release date from Microsoft, and the Twitch team tells future streamers to "expect a few more months." Just days before the system launch in November, Microsoft took to the Xbox Wire to announce the delay of game streaming on Xbox One, a surprising announcement considering that the PlayStation 4 Twitch integration had already rolled out without a hitch. Continue reading... Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
Bad news for Xbox One owners hoping to stream their games in the near future -- according to the Twitch Twitter account, the Direct Broadcasting feature still lacks a release date from Microsoft, and the Twitch team tells future streamers to "expect a few more months." Just days before the system launch in November, Microsoft took to the Xbox Wire to announce the delay of game streaming on Xbox One, a surprising announcement considering that the PlayStation 4 Twitch integration had already rolled out without a hitch. Continue reading... Via BRG - Boy Genius Report