Kris Carlon
A test version of Android version 4.4.2 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 has appeared over at Sam Mobile, with a build number of I9505XXUFNA1. We remind you that this is a test firmware only, and while Sam Mobile has been testing it all week and found no major bugs, you flash it at your own risk. Here's how to install it along with details of the new additions.

It's not official, but you can have Android 4.4.2 on your Galaxy S4 right now. / © AndroidPIT
(This is a preview - click here to read the entire entry.)
Source: AndroidPit

It's not official, but you can have Android 4.4.2 on your Galaxy S4 right now. / © AndroidPIT
(This is a preview - click here to read the entire entry.)
Source: AndroidPit