Kris Carlon
If you got a Galaxy Note 3 for Christmas, Samsung has just given you a belated gift: Android 4.4.2 can now be installed on your Note 3. It's a test build only, with a build number of N9005XXUENA6, for the Note 3 SM-N900. If you don't mind the occasional bug while the polished version gets prepared for delivery, then you can pop the latest Android version on your Note 3 right now.

Wait no more! Get Android 4.4.2 on your Galaxy Note 3 right now. / © Google, Samsung/AndroidPIT
(This is a preview - click here to read the entire entry.)
Source: AndroidPit

Wait no more! Get Android 4.4.2 on your Galaxy Note 3 right now. / © Google, Samsung/AndroidPIT
(This is a preview - click here to read the entire entry.)
Source: AndroidPit