CyanogenMod’s GalleryNext Photo Gallery App Now Available as Beta in the Play Store

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Jack Holt

dc285f6ffdd6aad47ea92f4ffb8e1738.pngIf you feel that the AOSP gallery app is sorely lacking then you’re not alone. So much so in fact, that the group behind CyanogenMod has debuted a new Gallery app for you to try. Currently in beta, you have to join the Google+ Community here, and become a beta tester here to test it out. Once you do, you’ll be able to view all your pictures in one centralized location. On top of that you’ll see various cloud services such as Flickr, Picasa (Google+), Facebook, and Dropbox integration. It features Moments support that automatically groups and classifies media based on metadata. It has video playback and GIF support.

For an app in beta, this is very much polished. Even as such, CyanogenMod isn’t resting on what it has already created. It plans on adding KitKat immersive mode, editor support, as well as whatever users let CyanogenMod know about. On top of that they plan on squashing all the bugs. Your mileage may vary as some users are getting constant force closes with the app. It works just fine on my Moto X, and we’ve already seen a bug fix update since its debut yesterday.

source: +CyanogenMod

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