Samsung, Sony, and Microsoft score higher than Apple in customer experience survey

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Robert Nazarian


For many years, Apple has been the envy of every other tech company, but kinks in the armor are starting to appear. Forrester Research just posted the results of their third study regarding customer experiences for electronics companies, and things didn’t go so well for Apple this time around.

For the first time, Apple fell below Samsung, Sony, and Microsoft. Interestingly enough, Amazon has led this category for the Kindle line of tablets since 2012. This year, they got their highest score ever of 91, which lands them in the “Excellent” category. Second place went to Sony with a score of 83, and Samsung and Microsoft tied for third with a score of 82. Apple wasn’t far behind at 81. All four of these companies are in the “Good” category.

Now these scores are all pretty darn close, but it is the first time that Apple is this far back. Are you guys surprised with the results?

source: WSJ

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