Robert Nazarian
Whether or not you are heavy user on Google+, one thing we have to agree on is the Hangouts feature is pretty cool. Hangouts can be just a simple one on one with your friend, or there are a number of on-air live Hangouts that you can check out regularly. Even President Obama has appeared in Hangouts in the past, but Google and the President have something different in store for next week.
After President Obama delivers his annual State of the Union address to Congress, he will “travel” the country in a virtual whistlestop tour on Friday, January 31 via Google+ Hangouts. People from across the United States will get to ask President Obama questions regarding his State of the Union address.
To participate, you will need to record a 60-second video clip with your name, location, something about yourself, and your question. Then you need to post it publicly on YouTube or Google+ with the hashtag #AskObama2014. You can also watch the State of the Union address as well as the Republican response on YouTube.
watch the State of the Union address live / watch the Republican response live
source: Google
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