Kris Carlon
Some of you may recall I was ready to give Samsung a slap a little while back, when the news that they would introduce an authentic Samsung accessory identification chip in their new models. The chip would mean that non-Samsung accessories, like S View covers and cases, would no longer work. The activation of that ID chip seems to have been snuck into the Android 4.4.2 KitKat firmware for the international Note 3 that has been rolling out the last couple of weeks. Samsung has labelled it a ''bug'' and is promising an OTA patch to fix it.

''Oh, whoops! Did we put that in there? Must be a ''bug''. / © HardwareZone
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Source: AndroidPit

''Oh, whoops! Did we put that in there? Must be a ''bug''. / © HardwareZone
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Source: AndroidPit