Kris Carlon
Before you get your hopes up too far, please note that this is leaked test firmware and as such is not the final version that will be released by Samsung and AT&T eventually. The firmware, with a build number of I337UCUFMLD and build date of January 2nd, is also older than that leaked for the international variant on January 16th, so there's likely still a bit of work still to be done. Add to that the fact that US carriers are usually a bit slow on the uptake for firmware releases and a lot could change between now and then. But the test firmware is available and stable if you want KitKat on your Galaxy S4 right this instant.

If you've got an AT&T Galaxy S4, you can get Android 4.4.2 on it right now. / © AndroidPIT
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Source: AndroidPit

If you've got an AT&T Galaxy S4, you can get Android 4.4.2 on it right now. / © AndroidPIT
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Source: AndroidPit