Kris Carlon
I wrote about the miniaturized version of the Xperia Z1 several months ago, when it was first released under the name Xperia Z1 f in Japan. At the time I thought it would be the only real Android contender worthy of challenging the iPhone 5s for the title of the best 4-inch smartphone around. Well, now we have the international version Xperia Z1 Compact in the office and I've been able to put the two side by side to see just how close the competition is between the 4-inch dream team. Who comes out on top? You'll have to read on and find out.

Both the Xperia Z1 Compact and iPhone 5s are beautifully crafted objects. / © AndroidPIT
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Source: AndroidPit

Both the Xperia Z1 Compact and iPhone 5s are beautifully crafted objects. / © AndroidPIT
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Source: AndroidPit