Windows Vista Windows Update not shpwing MUI packs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cristobal
  • Start date Start date


Hello, I am running windows vista ultimate, when I check for new updates I
am not getting the list of available MUI packs. I used to see them but now
they are just gone. Anyone know what is wrong? They are not hidden as I have
already checked there. This is not computer related I believe,
as I have checked on my brothers computer as well which is also running
vista ultimate and they are not showing either.
Re: Windows Update not shpwing MUI packs

Same problem here.....

"Cristobal" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Hello, I am running windows vista ultimate, when I check for new updates I
> am not getting the list of available MUI packs. I used to see them but now
> they are just gone. Anyone know what is wrong? They are not hidden as I
> have
> already checked there. This is not computer related I believe,
> as I have checked on my brothers computer as well which is also running
> vista ultimate and they are not showing either.