Robert Nazarian
Earlier today, the Dayframe app was updated with Chromecast compatiblity, but we just got word from the folks at cloud.tv that they had to remove it at Google’s request. When Google announced the release of the Google Cast SDK a few days ago, they mentioned that the SDK wouldn’t be released until the updated Google Play Services app (4.2) was completely rolled out.
The Google Cast SDK for Android will be available in a few days as part of the Google Play services 4.2 update, which is currently rolling out to Android devices.
So until then, developers are not supposed to release Chromecast compatible apps in the Play Store. In the meantime, Daydream has been updated to 2.0.1 and the original Daydream Prime is back in the Play Store. If you already downloaded this morning’s update, I would hold off taking this afternoon’s update.
As soon as Google gives the clearance, cloud.tv will update the app bringing back the Chromecast support. They are also offering refunds for those that don’t want to wait.
There is no word on exactly when Google will officially release the SDK, but it’s going to be sooner rather than later.
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