Jared Peters
Yep, more Samsung/Apple patent news. Judge Lucy Koh, who has been the judge over this enormous patent lawsuit since the very beginning, has denied Samsung’s motion for a retrial based on some particularly unsavory comments made by one of Apple’s lawyers. Apple tried to argue that letting Korean-based Samsung continue to “infringe patents” owned by American companies would destroy American companies’ ability to make quality products.
“When I was young, I used to watch television on televisions that were manufactured in the United States. Magnavox, Motorola, RCA. These were real companies. They were well known and they were famous. They were creators. They were inventors. They were like the Apple and Google today.
But they didn’t protect their intellectual property. They couldn’t protect their ideas. And you all know the result. There are no American television manufacturers today.”
That’s a pretty low blow, even for Apple. Samsung wanted to have a retrial because of those comments, even though Apple’s damages were already lowered from $450 down to $290. Koh denied Samsung’s motion, but explicitly told the jury to ignore those comments and not let the homeland of a company influence their decision. She clearly doesn’t want this trial to go on any longer than it has to, and she definitely doesn’t want another trial,which is the most sensible thing that’s happened in the entire lawsuit.
source: Scribd
via: Engadget
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