Jared Peters
Icon packs are one of the greatest features of Android. There’s a ton of them on the Play Store to help you completely tweak and customize your home screens and icons to make everything look exactly how you want it to. Sometimes, though, that perfect icon pack that fits so well with everything else on your device is missing just one or two app icons for some of your favorite apps.
To help solve this problem, XDA developer tung91 has created a small tool that will help users easily send requests to developers of icon packs. This tool has to be manually added to icon packs by developers, which adds a small request button in the icon pack’s interface. Users can hit that request button to send a report of what apps they would like themed (it only shows unthemed apps, so you won’t have to scroll through hundreds of apps that are already assigned a custom icon) for the developer to see and work on. It’s a quick, relatively painless process.
The code for this request does have to be manually added in by developers, and users will have to sideload a small apk to make the request feature work, but for users that are really into using icon packs and tweaking their devices, this is going to be a pretty handy tool to have.
source: XDA
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