Jared Peters
The US Air Force’s BATMAN (Battlefield Air Targeting Man-Aided (K)nowledge) research team has recently been testing Google Glass for use in the Air Force, and so far, they like what they’ve been able to do with test units. So far, they’ve tested using Glass in many different scenarios, and thanks to its low power, low footprint design, it’s been fairly helpful. It’s also a nice bonus that Glass sits above the eye and doesn’t obstruct vision, which would be a key element in giving these devices to ground troops.
On top of using the hardware to help out, the research team is looking into developing proprietary bits of code to overlay on Glass’s software to aid in military operations, as well as potential research benefits in the future. Even though Google Glass is struggling to make its way into the hands of consumers, it’s finding a use in all kinds of more professional applications, and it doesn’t look like the military will be any different.
What are your thoughts on the most popular uses for Glass? Do you think it’ll ever make its way to the mainstream, or will military and career oriented uses be the most it’ll ever amount to?
source: Venture Beat
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