Jared Peters
The verdict on the latest case between Apple and Samsung is in, and the jury has partially ruled in Apple’s favor. According to their decision, Samsung infringed on just two of Apple’s patents out of the five in the suit. All of the devices in the lawsuit were found to infringe on the quick links patent, and some of the devices infringed on the infamous slide-to-unlock patent. However, Apple did find one device that was found to infringe, but they weren’t awarded damages for it, so the jury will meet again on Monday to make a decision there. In total, Apple was awarded $119.6 million in damages, which could go up slightly after the weekend. Not a bad reward, but it’s pretty small compared to the original $2.2 billion Apple thought they deserved.
On the other side of the fence, the jury found Apple guilty of infringing on just one of Samsung’s patents, although it was ruled not willful. Damages for that come out to $158k, which isn’t all that much. Of course, Samsung will likely try to appeal the decision, so it’ll be a long time before either company actually pays out the damages. It’s too bad having Google employees by their side didn’t seem to sway things in their favor, although this ruling is much kinder to Samsung’s bottom line than the first $1 billion damages ruling that were hit with a few years back.
This still probably won’t be the last you’ll hear about patent suits from Apple, Samsung, or the numerous other manufacturers in the smartphone market, but at least things might quiet down for a while.
source: Re/code
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