Jeff Causey
Samsung attorney John Quinn had some sharp words for Apple in a recent interview after the latest round in the Apple v Samsung patent wars ended in a California courtroom. Apple managed to prevail in the case, obtaining a ruling in their favor in the amount of $119.6 million after it was determined Samsung had infringed on three of five patents that were the focus of the case. However, that was a far cry from the $2.2 billion in damages Apple sought, prompting many to conclude Samsung had effectively won this round. Quinn went on to say that Apple will never receive any money from this latest litigation once appeals are exhausted. He also predicted the last case that yielded Apple a $930 million judgement will eventually be resolved with little to no money actually paid. According to Quinn “They (Apple) have nothing to show for the hundreds of millions of dollars they’ve spent” and “years into Apple’s holy war on Android, they haven’t collected a nickel.”
Quinn also believes the patent wars launched by Apple may be drawing to a close. In this latest case, Apple was only found to infringe on three of five patents at question, which was a poorer result than some of their past efforts in the courtroom. Notably, the two patents that Apple failed to prevail on were the same ones that Google helped defend against. During the trial Samsung argued Apple was trying to use Samsung as a proxy to go after Android, despite Apple’s denial. If Apple is trying to get to Google and Android, this case was a failure for them. Unlike the last case from 2012, Apple also ended up losing to one of Samsung’s counterclaims for patent infringement.
The lack of success in the courtroom and the small award achieved in this case lead Quinn to think Apple is at a turning point with regard to Steve Jobs’ “holy war” strategy. Quinn thinks “this has got to be the last straw. They’ve got to realize they’re not going to slow Android down by suing people.” Quinn went on to say “I think even Tim Cook, has got to realize this is a fruitless endeavor. I think everyone’s tired of it. …Reason must prevail at some point.”
Do you think Apple may adjust their strategy with regard to Android and competing manufacturers?
source: CNET
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