
  • Thread starter Thread starter Ugly Trick
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Ugly Trick

I upgraded to Windows XP Home from Windows 98 SE. i backed up Mydocument
files to a CD. When I try to open wordpad, I get the message, "cannot load
Windows for word 6. Does anyone know a registry key solution for that
problem or any fix for that problem? A tech representative from Microsoft
gave me a registry command to correct the problem. I have spent my two free
questions with them. I had to reinstall XP Home, That is the reason for the

Re: Wordpad

Try this:

------ Copy ------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


------- End ------

Copy the area between --- copy and End --- Open a txt file and paste into
txt file. Click on file and Save as MSwordpad_PATCH.Reg

Right click and Merge.

Ugly Trick <UglyTrick@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
> I upgraded to Windows XP Home from Windows 98 SE. i backed up Mydocument
> files to a CD. When I try to open wordpad, I get the message, "cannot
> load Windows for word 6. Does anyone know a registry key solution for
> that problem or any fix for that problem? A tech representative from
> Microsoft gave me a registry command to correct the problem. I have
> spent my two free questions with them. I had to reinstall XP Home, That
> is the reason for the problem.
> Uglytrick
RE: Wordpad

The information that you posted was almost 100% correct, except I had to
change the DWord value. For anybody else that is having the same problem,
check thie out:
On a Windows XP SP2-based computer, you can add an EnableLegacyConverters
registry entry that has a DWORD value of 1. To do this, follow these steps.
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
2. Locate the following registry subkey:
3. Right-click Wordpad, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
4. Type EnableLegacyConverters, and then press ENTER to name the new entry.
5. Right-click EnableLegacyConverters, and then click Modify.
6. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
When you double-click the .rtf file that you are trying to open, WordPad
starts. After you have finished using the RTF converter, we recommend that
you turn off the EnableLegacyConverters registry entry. To do this, follow
these steps: 1. In Registry Editor, right-click EnableLegacyConverters, and
then click Modify.
2. In the Value data box, type 0 to turn off the .rtf conversion, and then
click OK.
3. Quit Registry Editor. The problem has been corrected. thanks

"Ugly Trick" wrote:

> I upgraded to Windows XP Home from Windows 98 SE. i backed up Mydocument
> files to a CD. When I try to open wordpad, I get the message, "cannot load
> Windows for word 6. Does anyone know a registry key solution for that
> problem or any fix for that problem? A tech representative from Microsoft
> gave me a registry command to correct the problem. I have spent my two free
> questions with them. I had to reinstall XP Home, That is the reason for the
> problem.
> Uglytrick
Re: Wordpad

What I posted - is what I've used on my own PC for years. So its 100%
correct. If you look to the right of Reg_Dword at that same location under
Data you would see 0x00000001 (1) as its hex value.

Ugly Trick <UglyTrick@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
> The information that you posted was almost 100% correct, except I had to
> change the DWord value. For anybody else that is having the same problem,
> check thie out:
> On a Windows XP SP2-based computer, you can add an EnableLegacyConverters
> registry entry that has a DWORD value of 1. To do this, follow these
> steps.
> 1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
> 2. Locate the following registry subkey:
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Wordpad
> 3. Right-click Wordpad, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
> 4. Type EnableLegacyConverters, and then press ENTER to name the new
> entry.
> 5. Right-click EnableLegacyConverters, and then click Modify.
> 6. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
> When you double-click the .rtf file that you are trying to open, WordPad
> starts. After you have finished using the RTF converter, we recommend that
> you turn off the EnableLegacyConverters registry entry. To do this, follow
> these steps: 1. In Registry Editor, right-click EnableLegacyConverters,
> and then click Modify.
> 2. In the Value data box, type 0 to turn off the .rtf conversion, and then
> click OK.
> 3. Quit Registry Editor. The problem has been corrected. thanks
> "Ugly Trick" wrote:
>> I upgraded to Windows XP Home from Windows 98 SE. i backed up Mydocument
>> files to a CD. When I try to open wordpad, I get the message, "cannot
>> load Windows for word 6. Does anyone know a registry key solution for
>> that problem or any fix for that problem? A tech representative from
>> Microsoft gave me a registry command to correct the problem. I have
>> spent my two free questions with them. I had to reinstall XP Home, That
>> is the reason for the problem.
>> Uglytrick