Jeff Causey
As the lawsuits between Apple and Samsung continue to slowly wind down, Samsung has prevailed in avoiding an injunction that Apple was asking for in the latest episode. Earlier this year Apple prevailed in a patent lawsuit to the tune of $120 million. The injunction request was related to that lawsuit as Apple hoped to stop Samsung from selling products that used the patents in question.
It should be noted that just a couple weeks ago the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ruled one of the patents that Apple had prevailed on to be invalid. Judge Koh has not yet ruled on how that change in status may impact the results of the jury trial.
Judge Koh notes that Apple has an “extremely robust” reputation as an innovator, a statement that will surely generate guffaws from Android fans. She goes on to say “Apple has not demonstrated that it will suffer irreparable harm to its reputation or goodwill as an innovator without an injunction.”
Neither Apple nor Samsung have issued a comment regarding this latest ruling.
source: <re/code>
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