Jeff Causey
With IFA 2014 behind and Apple ready to unveil the latest iteration of their smartphone, consumers are surely figuring out how to get the latest, greatest smartphones in their hands. As a competitive fall and holiday season opens, comScore has released their smartphone manufacturer and operating system numbers for July. They show some slight weakening for Android, a trend that carries over from the June numbers.
For Google, the Android operating system remains atop the mountain. However, market share has slid to only 51.5%, a full percentage point loss since April 2014. From June to July Android lost 0.4%. For the same three month period, Apple picked up a percentage point to claim 42.4% of the market while Microsoft gained another 0.3%. Meanwhile, Blackberry and Symbian continued their slide to payphone status.
As far as manufacturers, Apple maintained their lead in the U.S. market and added another one percent to claim 42.4%. Samsung picked up some share as well, gaining 0.7% of the market to land on a 28.4% share. LG saw a dip of 0.1%, but compared to June they held steady at 6.4% of the market. Both Motorola and HTC experienced a loss of 0.6% for the three months and were down slightly compared to June.
comScore also looks at the top smartphone apps as part of their market monitoring. The top fifteen remained the same in July as compared to June, although Google Maps and Pandora Radio did swap the fifth and sixth spots.
Do you think the LG G3, as one of the few new smartphones to hit the market in the late July and August period, will have a noticeable impact on the August numbers? Do you think all the new devices poised to hit the market will shake things up over the next few months?

source: comScore
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